Chapter 27

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"I just- this is all very new to me." I tell him "Why we're you so determined it was me?"

"I saw the way you carried yourself, it matched my energy." He turns in my direction leaning in a little, my heart beats hard in my chest as I swallow down "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"No," he smiles to my answers and I just admire it "unless you drop your blondie." I can't believe I'm seriously asking him to chose me.

"I can't do that," he words come out flat.

"Why not?"

"She comes with her pack, meaning if I drop her she'll probably leave and my betas won't be happy with that." He explains.

"Okay," I keep eye contact not letting my emotions show, so he's choosing his pack over me? I mean, what did I expect? "I believe it's your turn." I say after some silence.

"Do you want to have any kids?"

"No," I reply.

"Why not?"

"It's my turn." I practically cut him off, okay maybe I'm a little hurt. "What's it going to be like when we go back to school?"

"I don't know," my heart skins. That's no what I was expecting him to say. I'm way over my head, he's an alpha. He's got better things to do then putting me first.

"I don't want to play anymore," I announce.

"Why not?"

"Because, I don't want to play anymore." My tone has gone completely cold and Saint picks up on it, he leans on his hands putting distance between us. His eyes stay on mine as I try my hardest not to ball out because of three stupid words he said.

"Don't you have your pack to go back too? You been away all week, they probably looking for you." He studies me for a second then stands, he looks in the direction of my balcony and I keep my eyes locked on my bathroom door.

I see him walk up to me from the corner of my eye and then he leans down gently kissing my cheek, I go against my instincts wanting to pull him close and stay put. His kiss leaves my cheek tingling and then he ups and leave and I just watch him.

I let out a shaky breath not letting myself shed a tear form him. I fucking knew it! I let myself get in too deep and now look at where I'm at! Why would you do this to yourself? Now I have no one to balms but myself.

I let him sleep in my bed with me, I let him cuddle and caress my face, I even did it to him. I'm the one who opened up to him and let him hold my hand, I'm the one that fell in too deep. I dug my own whole. I did this.

And now all I feel is disappointment, how stupid was I to think that we had a bond? He told me we're meant to be and I just believed him. What world do I think I'm living in? This isn't my fantasy, I should have been a realist form the jump. Now I'm just hurt.

Someone knocks on the door and I don't even hope its him, but I do open it too Tomas. "Are you okay?" He steps in and I close the door behind him.

"Yeah," I nod sitting back into the position I was in "you?"

"Yep, how was your honeymoon week?" He asks and I give him a cold glare.

"There was no honeymoon week."

"So you guys didn't f-"

"I didn't even let him kiss me." I cut him off and he lies down on my bed folding his arms behind his head.

"That must have been very frustrating for him. And his wolf." He adds.

"Monday," I change the subject "it's the full moon so you need to be at my place. I've already talked to my dad and he'll do the ritual."

"That's good, right?" He asks and I nod. We spend a few more hours talking about Monday's plan. Since it's the full moon and there's no other night this ritual will actually work, I'm planning on becoming Tomas' alpha.

It's not going to be easy but it's worth a try right? I've already talked to my dad since he's an alpha and it won't work with out one. Hopefully if all goes well, I'll become his alpha. My eyes should glow red but that's the only thing that should change.

I know for a fact my fur won't change colours and my wolf will definitely not grow any taller.


When we finally get home I slump on my bed missing the comfort of my fluffy sheets, I let myself skin into them missing the feeling. "Nadia." I voice drags me out my daydream.

"Yes." I sit up meeting Bailey and Tili's eyes.

"We know you just came back but we need to tell you something." Bailey goes and closes the door, like that's gonna help. If my father or mother wanted to ears drop it would be easy enough. "Things aren't great at school."

"What do you mean by that?" I shift my gaze to Tili.

"You know the girls that had a fight over that guy? Well they've turned against me." Tili explains.


"Because he guy wants her." Bailey answer for her.

"And ever since you left, they've done nothing but make my life a living hell. They've even tired to jump me." Tili speaks up again.

"And What did you guys do? When they tried to jump you?"

"We ran." I let out a chuckle to Bailey's answer.

"You ran?" I raise an eyebrow at Bailey "Two born werewolves running form a group of teenaged mortals."

"I can't control my wolf okay? And we can't reveal ourselves to the humans."

"And what do you want me to do Bailey? Hm?"

"We want in on your pack." Tili says.

"I'm not building a pack," I tell them "I'm just taking in an omega."

"Please." Tili begs.

"What difference will it make? I'm you older sister I'm always protecting you."

"Please." Bailey begs this time.

"Good night." Is my answer and they both look at each other concerned before walking out my room. "Jesus Christ!" I mumble slumping back into bed.

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