Chapter 2

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After lesson finishes I follow Tomas out and he leads me to the girls bathroom and I walk in, there's no cue thank the universe so I can just simple change my tampon.

I flush the bloody water the get out to wash my hands, a group of girls walk in and kinda just stare at me. I get a little tense fast and move to dry my hands and leave, I kinda expect Tomas to no longer be there but he's still where I left him but leaning on the wall.

When he spots me walking to him he stands up straight "How come you're not with your pack?" I ask him when I'm close enough.

"I'm an omega, a lone wolf basically." He lets me know while holding my locker papers.

"What happened to your alpha?" We come to a stop and he picks up my lock, I watch him turn it clockwise three times, stops and then turns it anticlockwise and stops and does a short turn before yanking my lock open.

"He um, he's dead." He hand me my papers and I take them while taking my bag off too.

"How'd he die?" I question stuffing my bag in my locker.

"Fighting a born alpha." His voice is flat, I grab my Nike duffel bag because we have p.e. now I believe.

"That sucks." I say not knowing what else to say "I mean sorry for your loss."

"You are one straight forward girl," he chuckles making me feel a little less of an asshole, "we have p.e. I believe," he changes the subject "hope you like running." He says as we walk in the gym.

Our class is already there and we walk in just as the bell rings "Okay class, get ready and start running in ten minutes!" She says and we go our separate ways, my eyes find their way back to the same ice blue eyes from this morning.

He already looking once again making Nia want to act up but I look away before I have another 'situation', I walk into the girls changing room which is practically empty.

The girls from this morning are huddled up making me feel a little left out but I just shrug it off, girls am I right? I mean, I've dealt with the normal bitchy mean human girls, she wolves you don't want to cross.

I get dressed putting on my shorts and a sports top then stuff my bag with all my school things and walk out, to my surprise Tomas is once again waiting for me "So your just gonna wait for me all the time?" I ask him.

"I have nothing better to do." He shrugs walking in to two people already running, I start to stretch and Tomas looks at me a little funny before he catches onto what I'm doing. When I'm done we start pasting around finishes our first lap.

I slow down having to tie my waist length wavy hair up into a high messy bun, I catch up too Tomas who's way ahead of me. He looks down at me while I try pass him, he takes it as a challenge as speeds up too me.

I keep going feeling him getting closer and that excites Nia, I let her take control using my wild wolf speed and zoom a little ahead. "Keep up!" I shout to Tomas and he does, he actually gets way to close but I still manage to stay in front.

I see a big blur of groups just walking and I go around them, I try going past the girls and when I finally get access I feel a painful kick to my left leg. My body flys in the air as I let out a panicked shriek, my ass meet the ground first and I look up at the now giggling girls.

I also see Tomas coming my way and my eyes shift to the dark haired ice blue eyes guy before I get up running ahead and carry on, my hair falls loose but I keep going with my now angry Nia's energy.

"Your good!" Tomas huffs placing his hands on his knees, I'm too busy looking over at the girls that tripped me over. I step off the track and sit down, now the adrenaline's gone my foreleg throbs in pain. "I saw you drop."

"Yep, I think everyone did." I rub my now red leg.

"It'll heal." Tomas extends a hand and I take it getting up "You only beat me because you're an royal beta."

"No, I beat you because I'm faster then you." Now this gets a real laugh from him, I smile as his laugh is a little contagious. We kinda just linger after the big group of alpha go by, we keep our distance.

"I see what you mean by arrogant," he looks down at me.

"Tell me about them." I nod over to the group way ahead of us.

"Well the tall, dark headed, blue eyed dude is a born alpha, Saint but no one calls him that because he's everything but a saint-"

"So what do you call him?" I interrupt.

"Malic, his middle name. The rest are his pack. Jacob and Ly are his beta, Kieth is his gamma and then there's the girls that are basically they're bitches. They travel in a pack, where there's one, there's the rest."

"And them," I nod to the pack beside them.

"That's Jordan a bitten alpha and his pack, like Malic's two betas and a gamma. And then there's Joe also a bitten alpha with his pack," he points at another group and then shows me two other packs "Malic. Hayden. Carlos. Three born alphas in this class."

"So the girls are not alpha's?" I ask.

"Yes, there's two in this school but they're in a different class. Running a pack is...something else."

"But everyone travels in groups," I tell him and he nods "is that why I was put with you? Cause your and omega?" He just looks at me then looks away.

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