Chapter 61

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"A willing candidate huh?"

"I've never been shy about how I feel about you," I drop my eyes.

"Is this you shooting your shot?"


"You're a manwhore, no offence." He laughs at my comment throwing his head back a little.

"I'm transparent with you, if you didn't ask such questions, you wouldn't know." I shuffle around rolling form the heels of me feet to the fronts. "I'm honest, I make you laugh, and I'm a gentleman through and through, I wouldn't mind if you obsessed over me a little."

I bark a laugh and he joins dragging it out. "I can not with you."

"I'm being serious here." He chortles.

"I know you are."

"I won't mix business with pleasure," I shoot him a look, "what I mean by that is; I'll respect your duties as alpha and I know my place as your beta. I'm just putting it out there," he shrugs. "So you know."

I've never noticed the way he regards me with such awe until I was finally standing in front of him, trying to figure out why he would even want this type of position in my life, and him waiting, watching me like I'm the only girl he's ever seen.

"Don't look at me like that," I scan the corridors.

"Like what?"

"You're disgusting," he chuckles at me. "I'll think about it if you beat me."

"I'll take it." He peels himself off the wall and we go back to playing on the court.

What tel hell Tomas! He really know how to chose timing doesn't he? I mean, I'm not that surprised but he was kinda fast that commitment. I haven't let myself think of him that way, I was always clouded by Malic.

I still don't get it, isn't he hanging on some hopeless dream his mate that once rejected him might come back? What happens if that becomes a reality? Will I be left second choice, again?

With questions like these, my best tack tick is to subtly as my father for advice but for once, I don't, I try figuring it out on my own. It's a little easier with Tomas not bring the subject up and acting as if he never even asked.

I let a few days pass torn between the idea of Tomas and letting Malic finally go. I still need to find a way to reject him.

I take myself upstairs and into my mothers room, for once Nathan isn't crying but his little legs are wiggling about and I go to pick him up, "Hey there." His blue orbs open looking at me. "Heyy."

I stay a little distracted by him before my father calls my name and I make my way down to him. "Yes dad," I push the door open and wonder in.

"We have a dinner next Saturday, alpha Vincent invited us to talk over something's." I nod. "I also need to talk to you, come in." I go in a little deeper, taking a seat in a chair opposite him.

"Now, I've never really brought this up because I respect your private life but, what is going on with you and Malic?"

My chest drops. "Nothing."

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it yet-"

"No dad, seriously, nothing is happening between us. I've learned a lot for this whole thing and I'm just so ready to stop hurting." I meet my fathers eyes. "I'm not going back to him, I can't do that."

"You know, after your mother passed, I gave my pack up to her brothers. I knew that I would be able to raise you in a huge family surrounded by love, my pack was big, over a thousand people. With no doubt there would be maids and aunts who would have taken care of you.

"But staying without your mother felt wrong to me, I don't know why but it did. So I traded a simple life for a pack, raising you was what mattered and I got to do that. If we did stay in the pack house, you would have already been an alpha of your own pack.

"I guess you got there either way." He gives me a small smile. "You were supposed to marry off into Malic's pack and as their Luna you'll learn from them by merging both your inner circles, but by the looks of it," he lets out a sigh.

"I know what it feels like to lose a mate and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, so be careful with these decisions you make." I nod my understanding. "That's all, just wanted to inform you of dinner plans."

"Okay," I get up. "Is it okay if I go watch a movie with Tomas?"

"Sure." My father nods and I turn leaving, I get my phone out and text Tomas to see if he's busy at the moment. Nope. He replies and I shoot him another text. Good, come pick me up, we're going to watch a movie.

Since it's a movie a just change into a long sleeved navy green dress in white shoes and the same colour side bag, for hair I just do a half up half down style which is a cute change.

"You going out?" Tili wonders into my room just as I finish up.

"Yeah, Tomas and I are going to see a movie." I make my way downstairs just as my phone buzzes in my bag. I'm coming up. It's form Tomas.

"Can we come?"

"You would be coming if you guys didn't key a certain someone's car," Bailey wonders in holding a bucket in hand. The elevator rings open and I turn to Tomas, he's in a grey hoodie with black jeans and white shoes.

"Hey kiddo!" Tili goes to hug Tomas and Bailey makes her way to him. "Troublemaker," he gives her a head rub.

"Nadia said you guys are going to see a movie,"

"They're going on a date." Bailey pints out.

"You know what Bailey?" I turn to her. "I hope you remember that two tickets are cheaper then four when you're scrubbing my bathroom next." She shoots me a wide smile as both Tomas and Tili laugh. "Come on," I walk past Tomas into the elevator.

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