Chapter 74

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His eyes are already on me, I cut the eye contact short to grab some sweets of my own. We all stay put talking some more before Kelly and Emmanuel stand to leave first. It's natural for the rest to follow on and I take Tomas to our room seeing as it's empty.

"Are you mad at me?" Tomas asks and I turn to him after shutting the door.

"No," I chuckle, "why would I be mad at you?"

"Ruby.." he sits on the edge of my bed.

"Get over yourself," I laugh, "I'm not that insecure." He chuckles too. "If anything, you should be worried, yes she's huge flirt but you're not really her type."

"This is different Nadia," he shuffles forward raising his eyes as I tower in front of him.

"What do you mean?" I run my hands into the front of his hair resting my other on this shoulders. "Why is this different?"

"I know her," he search's my eyes, "she's the mate that rejected me."

"Oh." My hand drops to the back of his hair. "Oh.."

"I didn't know you guys are related."

"We're not.." I push away gently, "we're just...close."

"Nadia I need to-" Bailey storms in making my pull away faster, I haven't had the chance to tell them about Tomas being my mate now. "Can I talk to you guys," she wonders in shutting the door behind her. "Ethan's telling me you guys are mates?

"What the hell is that about?!" She moves in. "I thought you were still strung on that cheater of yours? And what about your mate?!" She turns to Tomas. "I don't understand what's going on!" She looks between us. "I know damn well I'm not taking to myself!"

"Tomas' mate rejected him a long time ago...I did the same to Malic."

"You rejected Malic? Wait-what does that have to do with this?" Her eyes widen. "Listen, I'm not blind, it's obvious Tomas has like hidden feelings for you...but, he's your beta!"

"Oh my fucking gosh!" I turn walking away, I'm tired of fucking hearing that!

"No it's not like that." My heart drops looking over at Tomas. "She just needed me to bite over the mark, that's all it is."

"Don't you have to mate after you mark?"

"We know how it works Bailey, we're setting boundaries." Ouch. I drop my eyes to my feet. "I know I'm her beta."

"So you guys are not mates??" Bailey wants to know.

"No." I turn at his slow response, my chest throbs in pain as I move to the bathroom.

"Nadia?" I hear Bailey calls behind me, I ignore her shutting the door behind me, he just denied me. After last night, everything he fucking told me, was it all just a lie to him?! "Nadia?" My name is called once more, by Tomas this time "Nadia come on, let me in."

I storm to the door swinging it open. "You fucking denied me!" I shove him. "In front of my sister!"

"No-yes! I mean-"

"You lied to me!" I shove past him and he yanks me back by my wrist, "You said you would treat me right! You said you would treat me probably!"

"That true! All of it is!" He bring me into his arms. "Listen to me," I pull away form him, "please just listen to me Nadia." he pulls me back in. "I know you won't tell me about the speeches your getting about us but I'm getting them too, your father, your cousins, they don't agree with us.

"It's literally us against the world, I've had enough of hearing about how we can't because I'm your beta, about how only Malic can make you a great alpha, it's ridiculous! I am twice the man Malic could ever be!

"I said that because I thought I was protecting you, that'll all I'm trying to do. It's clear nobody want to see us together but it don't matter, cause I got you. I'll scream it to the world that you my mate, if that's what you want."

"But I'm not your mate, second chance yeah but Ruby-"

"Ruby rejected me, I'm not going back to her."

"I'm too paranoid for this, I'm going to break us apart." My eyes start to sting and he cups my cheeks into his hand.

"I knew what I was signing up for...and who said it was going to be easy?" He reminds me. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings like that, I put you on edge, it won't happen again. I'm not here to hurt you." One blink and my tears fall.

"I just need air," I pull away wiping my face, I move to the door opening it and start making my way out.

So they've been talking to him too? I never thought leaving him alone would be setting him up to lectures, I should have seen that coming! If they're here telling me all this what's going for stop them from doing the same to Tomas?

I know too well it's not something everyone wants, but I'm not with him to please anyone, this is for me! If I break it up now, I'm going to lose the only thing that I have going good for me.

I want to blame Malic for poisoning my thinking but it's I that believed him, he was so persistent and I was so desperate to believe in him, look where that got me.

I don't make it far before my name I called, I can never have any fucking privacy around-I turn to see Sandra. "Sandra," I stop.

"Finally! I've been looking for you everywhere." She moves to me in a composed way, I'm surprised to her approach, usually she would race for me. She's in a baggy shirt going down to her knees. "How have you been?"

"I'm good," I lie as she approaches.

She raises her hand to tousle the front of my hair before she gives me steady pats. "For all the years I've know you, you sure suck at lying." My eyes sting, why is she treating me like this? Can't we cash around like we usually do? "I see right through that alpha armer you've got on."

"You're different," I start.

"Not at all," she denies, "I just can't chase you around like all our normal encounters."

"Well this is scaring me."

She laughs before her hands go to her side and she pulls her shirt back revealing a baby bump. "Surprise!" I very much am.

"Oh my!" I reach out to touch her stomach. "Gosh no wonder why you couldn't catch up!" I laugh. "Do you know the sex?" I look up at her.

"No, we're waiting until I pop it out first." She lets her shirt go. Damn, even I couldn't tell! "As soon as I found out I wanted to call you but, I don't know why I didn't."

"I doesn't matter, I'm going to be an auntie!" She giggles as a response. We start to walk off into an open sitting area before she asks me once more how I've been and this time I pour it all our on her, starting her again form Malic.

"Well, do you love him?"

"Love him?" My heart skips. "Him as in Tomas?" She nods, "I-"

"Whether you do or not, if he is what you want, what is really stopping you? I mean, you're the one dating him, only the two of you know what you have is real, whether no one agrees with you. A second chance mate is exactly that, a second chance.

"Your father has a second chance mate, when he was leaving no one agreed with him, imagine the utter disbelief when they found out he mated once more." She leans back in her seat.

"Give it some time Nadia, learn to love him as much as you loved...Matthew?"

"Malic." I correct her.

"Right," she nods, "him."

Learn to him him? Ugh, fuck!

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