Chapter 28

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I finish getting ready for school then grab my car keys before heading downstairs. Moms not in the kitchen which doesn't surprise me as much.

When a she wolf is pregnant it's not long until her human body can't hold the baby pup and she shifts temporarily into wolf form for the rest of her pregnancy. Exhibit A to why I don't want kids.

Nia couldn't handle a pup in me, my wolf is unusually small in size.

I make myself some cereal and then do the same for Bailey and Tili, I make a coffee and some toast for my dad then put it in front of his alpha seat. I make my way upstairs and knock on my parents door before going in.

"Hey dad," I spot my father petting my mom who's in wolf form "I made you breakfast." I step in and he gives me a smile before getting out of bed.

"Thanks honey," he kisses me on the forehead before leaving.

I make my way to my to my parents bed and sit where my dad was, "Hey ma'" my voice is soft as I rub down her brown fur slowly hearing her soft rumbles as I do so. "I'm going to take a look," I tell her before removing the covers form her.

My eyebrows rise at her belly, I look over at her putting a hand on her stomach. I try my hardest to concentrate on hearing the baby's heartbeat but don't get anything. "Mom you look huge. No offence." I quickly add noticing how blunt I just was.

She wags her tail high letting me know I'm in the clear before I cover her again "I have to get to school," I kiss her forehead and then slowly get out her bed. I bump into dad on my way out the room "I'll see you after school."

I go down the stairs and back into the kitchen to get my school bag, phone and keys, I watch both Bailey and Tili watch me walk in. I grab my bag with no word "Get ready, I'm taking you guys to school." I let them know then go to the front and open the closet door.

I grab my school shoes in the far left corner and then tie them on, I go to the garage with Bailey and Tili soon following behind me. I open my car then throw my bag behind me where Tili is before starting my car.

I let the soft radio music cover the silence as I finally pull up to their school, "Imma get you after school." I let them know and they both leave thanking me for the ride. I take the shortest route to school and pull up into the parking lot in no time.

The same feeling of I've been trying to avoid comes back, it's like a painful pit in my stomach and no matter how much Tylenol I fucking take, it's still there. I felt it yesterday trying to sleep, I just kept tossing and turning thinking about him.

I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, why did I push him away? I was scared that we would drift apart but instead I did all the damn work.

I decide to leave my car but instantly have my doubts as my nostrils are met with the once scent I thought I'd gotten used too, I don't even look around for him knowing he's close by so I just grab my bag and make my way inside.

Seeing Tomas at my locker is no surprise to me anymore and I smile to him giving him a warm welcome "How are you?" He asks stepping back for me to open my locker.

"Good," I yank my lock open "you?"

"I'm good," he leans on another locker as I empty my bag and get my p.e. kit out, what a way to start a morning. We keep up the small talk until the we get to the changing rooms and have to go our separate ways.

Little miss blonde is in the changing room with her three little minions close by, she gives me a cold glare but I just walk into a changing stall. "Tell us Bella, what happened with you and alpha Malic." I over hear, well more like them over speaking.

"You didn't hear it from me but, he's planning on getting me a necklace." A high pitch bitchy voice says "I assume it's going to be gold, and have my name on it." I can't help but roll my eyes while putting my shorts on.

"I thought you said he hasn't touched you in a while." Another voice says, a little shyly.

"Shut up Heather!" Bitchy voice says and I walk out all changed with my bag over an arm, I open the door and just as it closed I use my wolf hearing to ears drop this time "Why would you say that?" Bitchy voice hisses.

"It just slipped out." Heather I assume says.

"Shit like that doesn't just slip out, God you're a beg!" I smile to ms. bitchy's out burst then walk into the gym. We have a whole badminton stationary already set up so take a guess of what we're playing.

My eyes find their way to Saint and I watch him talk to one of his betas, I don't want to ears drop because I know hearing his voice is going to set something off in me and I don't want that. Instead I look around for Tomas and then make my way to him.

I drop my bag next to him as he ties his lace, "I don't feel like playing." I tell him and he looks over at me.

"How come?" Tomas asks.

"I don't feel too good," I refer to the void in my stomach.

"You scared I'm gonna beat you?" Tomas smirks.

"Yeah in your dreams." I scoff and then we wait until the resister is done before we grab our rackets and we starts to play. By the looks of things Tomas doesn't know I play tennis. I beat his ass three times in a row and I can see he wants to give up, but he doesn't.

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