Chapter 11

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My jumpsuit is one shoulder and not shiny which is why I'm wearing it and it also has a cute little bow at the back. "Bailey!" I call out while I pick up some diamond studs, "Bailey!!" I shout again putting on in my ear.

"Yes!" She walks in my room.

"Can you zip me up please?" I ask her as she comes into view slowly, I take my other earrings putting them in my right ears and wait for her to finish zipping me up.

"You look very sexy for a dinner." She takes a step back.

"I'm an alpha's daughter, I should always look presentable." I go into my closet and grab a small black purse and dash my phone and chapstick into it, I put a tampon in there too because, well you never know. I come out with a pair of heels and hold them up for Bailey to examine.

She shakes her head and I drop them there, I go back into my closet looking for some flats "Nadia!" I hear my father roar form downstairs. I pick up some black shoes with thick block heels, I hold them up to Bailey and she tilts her head sideways a little.

I decide to take the thick heels and carry them in one hand with my purse in the other, I meet my father downstairs and see he's all dressed up too. Good, I'm not overdressed. My fathers got on a black suit with no tie and black shoes that I can see my reflection through.

"Ready?" He nods to me clicking the elevator and I nod, the elevator dings open and we step in and I press the garage floor "Dressed to impress?" Dad says behind me.

"I have no one to impress," my heart skips a beat at the thought of Saint. Why? I don't know either. When we reach the garage floor I step out meeting the cold floor with my bare feet, I follow my dad to one of his many black vehicles. My dad stops in front of me and opens my passenger door form me and I get it.

I buckle myself in as he walks around before getting in. The fact that my dad doesn't even put an address in the gps worries me, how close is he to alpha Vincent? We arrive in just over twenty minutes as my dad parks in front of a grade manor. Talk about massive egos.

This is twice as big as our place at least form the outside it is, my dad stops the car and I bend in my seat and put my shoes on. My father opens my door for me, I step out with my black shoes and my white pedicured nails showing.

My stomach flips looking back up at the manor as I wait for my dad to lock his car then I follow him up the from gates, he rings the bell and we wait in silence. The nots in my stomach only seem to get a little tighter as that masculine scent lingers at the front door.

Soon enough a young woman opens the doors with a wide smile and open arms "Kendrick!" She shrieks and hugs my father "Oh my it's been too long, how are you?"

"Good," my father smile, the woman looks at me then gasps.

"You must me Nadiana," she smiles pulling me in a hug, I hug her back trying to act like say I know her.

"It's just Nadia," I smile at her not wanting to be rude "It's nice seeing you." My eyes shift to my father, should I add again? Have i even meant her before.

"I used to babysit you where you were little." She squeezes my hand and I look yet again at my father with confused eyes.

"Right," I nod.

"Come in! Come in!" She closes the door behind me and take my hand leading me away form my father "This way!" She leads us across a spacious corridor, the floors are marble and clack every step I take.

We walk past a wall of family portraits but she doesn't give us enough time to even glance at them probably, she takes us past the white kitchen. My jaw drops but I quickly close it when my eyes land on my fathers. Why do they need all this room?

Saint's their only child right? Why such a humongous kitchen?

The closer we get to wherever she's pulling me the more intense Saint's scent gets, of course his smell is bound to be everywhere, it's his house. "In here!" She open a door and two head turn our way, my throat goes dry landing on a familiar pair of ocean blue eyes.

He stands and so does his father and I quickly snatch my attention away from him and too his father, I flash them my sweetest smile walking in "Alpha Vincent." I do the smallest curtsey and bow my head. I turn to Saint and my heart skips a beat, why does he look kinda...handsome?

"Malic," I do the same small curtsey but keep eye contact until I have to bow my head.

"Kendrick!" Saint's Dad call my father over and they hug.

"Come, sit!" Saint's Mom takes my hand once again leading me to the seat opposite Saint.

"Thank you," I smile at her and my eyes can't help but look back over at Malic, who is currently shaking my father hand. He has a white business shirt with black suit bottoms and a Loui V belt holding them up.

I can feel Nia literally loving the fact that I'm near him, his presence is all it take to wake her up. He glances over at me making me look away, the way his eye piece mine makes me feel...butterflies?

My father sits next to me and Saint's mom is next to him leaving alpha Vincent at the head of the table as he should. "I want to thank you again for inviting us over." My dad thanks alpha Vincent.

"Oh it's no problem." My principal says shaking his head "Tell is Kendrick, how's Lia?"

"She's great, we're expecting so she can't really make it." Dad informs them.

"Still making photocopies I see," alpha Vincent's eyes land on me and I give him a small smile kinda nervous to what he means.

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