Chapter 59

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Tomas lets out a snort and forcefully tries to conceal it with a cough, I bring my hand up to cover the smile growing on my lips. No they did not!

I zoom into the second picture to see that the word, whore, has a missing e at the end. "They didn't get to finish."

"Nadia!" My father snaps as a full snort escapes Tomas and he spins on his heels turning away.

"I'm sorry, you're right. Here's your phone," I hand it back over to Malic who takes it.

"This isn't a laughing matter," my fathers friend scolds me as I mask my smile. "Do you condone this type of behaviour within your pack?"

"No, of course not!" I protest, my smile falls. "I would never encourage such behaviour."

"Well their message was sent, and revived, loud and clear." Vincent's tone has gone cold. "We understand the pain my son has set upon you but this, this is overdoing it."

"I understand."

"My son was wise to call a family meeting instead of going straight to the police." I nod. "Charges could be pressed."

"It won't happen again." I try not sounding so sarcastic.

"I hope not," my father glares down at my sisters.

"It won't." I promise them. "It was a rebellious instincts protect their alpha, it won't happen again."

"They will be punished right?" Just the nagging of her voice annoys me, I look over to Malic giving her a stare. "What? My car was keyed too!"

"Maybe if you weren't such a home wrecker-"

"Bailey that's enough!" My father shuts her up as Tomas as I share looks, he's still trying no to laugh. I can't with him.

"Bailey, Tili, come here," Tili is the first to stand and then Bailey before they are both besides me. "They will be punished, I'll see to it." I lock eyes with alpha Vincent.

"Alpha, except my apology of behalf of my betas. We'll take any punishment you endure on us as a pack, on top of that these two," I raise my hand to the back of my sisters heads "will get additional punishment form their alpha and parents. We are so very sorry for the trouble we've caused."

I bow my head forcing down my sisters too in hopes Tomas is doing the same. "I'm sorry Mrs. Salvadore, father too, and others we've upset tonight."

"Tsk." I swear, one more word form blondie and I'll key something to her damn forehead.

"Bailey," I push her lower waiting for an apology, even a half hearted one.

"Bite me."

"We're sorry!" Tili rushes out as I shut my eyes biting back a laugh, Bailey will be the death of me.

"That's enough apologizing for tonight," we stand straight once more. "Saint and Bella will contact you if ever they need their favour chased in." I nod my understanding.

I shouldn't care, I shouldn't want to know why, but I can't help but think the worst. My eyes land on Malic once more and he seems to be already holding his gaze on me. Why is he here with her? If Bailey and Tili could get to her car that means she was obviously wherever he was.

My father, alpha Vincent and his wife all seem to be in a robe of some sort but he's in a simple shirt and shorts, im not even going to waste my time to look at blondie to see what she's wearing.

"Are you leaving?" My father asks Vincent.

"I can spare a few minutes." He answers.

"I'll make you coffee, or tea." I offer and my father nods. Grabbing Tomas' wrist I move to the kitchen. "Today will not be the day you leave me alone with him, do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." He smiles and I turn to go grab a tray before I start setting the tea bags out as well as cups. "So what now? We're all going to be punished somehow... I'm just saying," he throws his hands up. "Take punishment as a pack?! Like what did I do?!"

I shake my head feeling my cheeks staring to hurt. "I can't believe they actually did that." We beam at each other. "You couldn't even be serious."

"It's not like your sister was helping!" He leans his back onto the counter crossing his arms. "We really need to start practicing pack traditions, like telepathy."

"And communicate in serious situations as such?" I look up at him. "No one would take my serious-" I stop at the sight of Malic, with one hand he runs it through the front of his hair and Tomas turns to follow me gaze.

"Am I interrupting?"


"Yes," I say after Tomas. Malic looks between us.

"I'd like to cash in one of my favours." He's still at the door. "I want to talk, just you and I, somewhere only we'll be alone." My heart shouldn't flutter but I can't help it when it races a little faster. "Now."

"You're throwing your favour on a chat?" He nods to me and my eyes drop to the ready tray, picking it up, I go serve my father and the other guests. I notice Bailey and Tili are no longer present, they must have been sent to their rooms.

When all is done, I let myself follow Malic out and into the elevator. My father flashes us a glance, so does alpha Vincent, before going back it their conversations. The only other two pair of eyes that stay on us are Tomas' and miss blondie. The doors shut.

I start to count my heartbeat, anything to distract myself from the pressure of Malic's gaze on me. It's not long before we're out and he's leading me it his car. His brand new, keyed car. "I don't think they can hear us this far down." I stop at a safe distance.

He opens the passenger door for me anyways. "Still,"


"Please Nadia." The door stays open. "I won't drive." I tug the sleeve of my hoodie letting my hands disappear.

"Ten minutes." I start closing the distance between us.

"I'll take it."

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