Chapter 47

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"Hey, no, don't cry." I pick him up with him still wailing. "Hey shhh, shhh, I got you." He's a feather in my arms wrapped in white baby clothes. "You hungry?" I sway him. "Is that what it is?"

"Nadia?" My mother comes in with a towel and damp hair. "Oh good, I thought all of you guys were already gone." She moves across the room disappearing into her closet.

"Nathan," I lift him at eye level, his pink lips part in another cry as his tongue vibrates with the volume. I turn him to sniff his butt but get only a whiff of baby powder, "Okay then." I start moving to go downstairs and go in the fridge where two bottle are already done.

"Okay, hold on." I see an empty bottle, picking it up I go to open a cupboard where we keep all our water bottles and grab one, I work with my left hand filling the empty bottle with water. "You thirsty? All that crying must have you dehydrated."

I move him laying his head in the nook of my arm then give him the bottle. "There you go." He's desperate to suck on the bottle, I blow softly on his pink face and watch him blink more tears out. "Yeah? You were thirsty huh?" I rub my pinky across his cheek drying his face.

"He's been crying no stop," Bailey walks in taking a seat. "It's starting to drive me a little crazy."

"He's not that bad." I watch how his eyes flutter open and blue stare back at me before they close lazily.

"Easy for you to say, if you're not here helping mom, or with us, you stay with that boyfriend of yours." I roll my eyes at her comment.

"Mom really needs to get him a pacifier,"

"No," mom walks in, "no I don't. Hey there," she takes Nathan form me. "You guys should get going."

"Where's Tomas?" Bailey spins off her chair and moves out the kitchen, i follow her out. "He still with dad?"

"Yeah," Tili answers.

"Did you guys get him a gift?"


"I though we agreed on no gifts?" Tomas walks back in cutting Bailey off, I don't look at him avoiding any eye contact and start moving towards our elevator.

Leaning in, Tili tilts her head to Tomas' ear. "You'll love mine." Staring at his back, the only reaction I get is him shaking his head slightly. "I promise you," she holds out her pink and I'm just in view to see him warp his own, which is twice her size, around hers in a promise.

We reach my car and set of to a cute place where we spend the hour laughing and talking before we set off to our second location: mini golfing.

"Do you even know how to play?" Tomas rolls up his leaves leaving his bare forearms out.

"You use the golf club to hit the golf ball into the hole," I reach out to grab a golf club. "right?"

"I don't know." He lets out a laugh and I turn to Bailey joining him.

"I call dibs on going against Nadia first!" Bailey rushes to get the next golf club, a ball is thrown at Tomas and he places it in front of me.

"I just hit it right?"

"Right." He watches me ready myself, I part my legs to steadying my feet before I grip the club. "No er-" I shoot up at Tomas. "Your hand needs to be a little higher," I move my hand higher. "higher-"

He moves to me and towers behind me, "here." The tip of my left palm lines with the end of the golf club. I can tell, with everything he's got, he's trying not to lean into me. "Left in front of right." He warps my hands around the club in correct positioning before moving swiftly. "That looks about right."

"Do you play Tomas?" I listen to Tili ask.

"Not really." He turns his back to me and I go back to focusing on my target before I swing for the hit. My ball gets a little too far but I seem to be better the Bailey herself.

Both of our lack of experience makes the game a little more interesting, also the fact that we're not playing by the rules. Tomas on the other hand knows exactly what he's doing, I know damn well he's played before.

It's not long before we set off back to his house where his aunt is already setting up in the kitchen. "You should have let me help." I take the seat she offered me as Tomas and my sister sit down too.

"Nonsense." She smiles, unlike Tomas, her hair is a deep shade of copper and her eyes as dark ad mud, to me, she's looks so unhealthily slim but no one else seem to notice. "You're guests." She finally takes her seat. "A quick prayer, if you don't mind."

"Of course we don't," I flash Bailey a look, who's already picking her fork up. I watch Tomas' aunt how her head and I do the same.

"Thank you lord for this good you give us, we pray you keep providing for us and the next day we see ourselves at another table, we won't forget to thank you, amen."

"Amen." We echo after her before digging into the dish she made us, I look down to see a smokey fish situation going on. I know all too well how much Nia hates fish but I'm going to have to force it down for the event.

"I was so very excited when Tomas told me he finally found an alpha willing enough to take him in," I look up at her words. "Thank you. I know how much of a hand full he can be-"

"Cheryl.." Tomas mutters keeping his eyes on his plate, both my sister let out short giggles. I start to dig into my fish making sure to swallow it down with water so it doesn't force itself back up.

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