Chapter 69

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I forgot what it feels like to sleep in the arms of another, it's a feeling I'll never get used to, a feeling I always want to experience.

Unfortunately it's an alarm the wakes me up and as my eyes flutter open I drag the sheets with me to go on the hunt for my ringing phone, I try rubbing the sleep form my eyes as I rummaged through my bag for my phone.

I turn the alarm off before dragging myself and my bag into the bathroom where I start to get ready for school. As soon as I'm dressed I move to my makeup then hair putting it back into a ponytail and pull hair form the frame of my face.

Someone is shuffling downstairs and my best guess is it's Tomas, before going down I make his bed since it's the least I can do then head down with my bag. Yep, it's Tomas.

He's in his school clothes but only half dressed and is drinking something out a milkshake cup. He spots me as I take my last step down. "How are you already up?"

"Morning runs," he moves to me, normal people actually do that. He stops giving me a kiss on the cheek as he moves past me. "Eat something." I turn to watch him take the steps two at a time up.

I serve myself and finish before he comes down fully dressed, in his blazer too, I left mine in my school locker. When we leave he drives us to school and he heads to my locker with me like any other day.

Today's about some practice exams in first and second period so we don't really have any time to talk except when it comes to lunch, half way through my English period after lunch my name is called over the intercom and I'm requested in the principal office.

There's nothing worse then having to sit in alpha Vincent's office because I'm required too, I really have no choice so I get going. I mean seriously, what more does he have to say to me? Please don't let his be about Malic, anything but Malic.

Making my way there I can't help but flood my head with different scenarios to why I'm being called, the whole over thinking nearly makes me walk straight into an opening door. "Ah!" My right are is tugged dragging me into a class room. "What the hell is wrong-" I stagger in and my words evaporate turning to see Malic shut the door.

How is it he's never in class but is always in school? I watch his eyes pivot around before they finally land on me. "The full moon," he tells forward, "what the hell did you do?"

"What do you mean what did I do?" My heart leaps.

"I don't know how to explain it but my wolf kind of lost communication with Nia-" he starts talking with his hands, "-not communication-connection? I don't know, but I felt it. I tried to get a hold of you but, I couldn't."

"I blocked your number." I tell him.

"I figured." He nods. "So are you going to tell me what happened?"

"I-um," I drop my eyes looking over at one of the desks. "I got rid of your mark..."

"Why would you do that? Do you know how permanent burning yourself-"

"I didn't burn it off," I meet his eyes. "I let Tomas bite over it."

"I'm going to fuck him up." Silence. "I'm going to fuck him up!" He raises his voice.

"No you're not."

"You did what?! What the hell is wrong with you?! What were you thinking?!" He steps forth. "Are you serious? Tell me you're fucking joking." He starts shaking his head in disbelief. "Oh my God." He steps back sticking his back to the wall before he slides down.

"I had to," I sink to my knees. "I was still stung after the rejection, I still felt the tug-your emotions! I need this-"

"Do you know how fast you're moving? Did you even think about this? Do you even like him?!"

"Of course I do!"

"Or do you just like the thrill huh? You wanted to get rid of me so bad you would do anything!"

"Yeah I would!" I realize to late we're raising our voices at each other, I watch him run his hands in his hair before he picks it up to watch me.

"Tomas?" I don't know how to respond to that. "Tomas, Nadia? Do you even know his true intentions?"

"Yes actually," I snap at him, "and I know for a fact he's not going to cheat on me." He stares at me, eyes cold and blue like the sea.

"Tsk," he lets out looking away from me. "He's just so good to you isn't he?" He doesn't have to sound so sarcastic about it. "He must have had a rise out of it-levelling the playing field, an eye for an eye. I know you know but, I did kill his alpha-"

"I don't think this is about revenge." I stop him.

He sighs and my eyes drop to my hands as the seconds between us pass, does that mean I'm not actually requested? Was this a set up? And I just walked right into it. "So what now?" I feel his gaze on me. "I cheat, you break up with me, reject me as your mate, then you replace me, in a heartbeat.."

"This was never easy for me," my eyes sting, "if I keep loving you, I'll lose myself."

"I'm sorry I don't know how to love you, but you're not giving me a chance, I don't know what more I can do." He pauses. "I won't accept the rejection, I can't." I nod, he stars to play with his hands. "I did try you know?"

"I know." We sustain eye contact.

"I hate the way he looks at you," it doesn't take a genius to see the way Tomas looks at you. "but I hate the way you look at him more. You're just going to keep hurting me until I know how heartbreak truly feels, even so, when you're done playing around.

"When you come back to your senses, when that cute bite mark he gave you fades away, when you're ready, I'll be here, and I'll be better."

"I don't think that'll happen any time soon." I admit.

"Meh," he shrugs, "I give it a solid two years before you get bored."

"I'm not going to get bored!" I argue.

"Okay. Whatever you say, but I do know you'll be fully satisfied." I part my lips to argue some more but he beats me to it. "Tomas?" my mouth shuts, "Tomas?!." He emphasizes.

He starts to stand and I watch him grown in size. "I guess this levels our playing field."

"This isn't a game to me Saint, I care about him-"

"Of course you do," he reaches to give me a hand, I take it without thought, "you wouldn't sleep with just anybody."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I shove him and he breaks out laughing, I haven't heard him laugh like that in what feels like forever. I flash him a simple smile.

Only one chapter today, hope y'all still enjoyed!

Okay question, would you guys like me to continue? I know most of you guys would like this to come to an end but other don't. So If yeah, please drop some inspiration because I keep getting writing blocks.

Thank you.

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