Chapter 8

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I zoom off when school finishes and get to my house in no time, "She's home!" Tili announces my arrival. She also attacks me with a hug almost making us both drop.

"Good to see you too!" I chuckle pulling away then make my way to the kitchen where our mother is "Hi ma'!"

"Hello sweetie how are you?" She mixes something in a pot.

"I'm good," I nod.

"Mom says you have to take me shopping! I need a new bra!" Tili exclaims.

"You don't even have boobs!" Bailey walks in.

"I have boobs!" Tili argues.

"Let me see your boobs!"

"I'm not showing you my boobs! Mom!"

"Alright girls," Mom chuckles "Nadia take your little sisters out for a while, and come back in time for dinner. We have news."

"I need to go change," I walk out the kitchen and take the stairs two at a time going into my room. The first thing I do is change my tampon seeing as it's my last day I'm not leaking that much.

I put on ripped jeans with big holes with a red, yellow, blue and white stripped sleeveless crop top. I put my outfit together with a cute necklace and white sneakers, I grab a mini backpack and decide to keep my hair in it's high ponytail.

I put my phone in my back pocket as I hop down the stairs meeting Bailey and Tili, "Mom we're gone!" I shout pressing the elevator button.

"Have fun." She doesn't even need to shout because I pick it up with my wolf hearing, when the elevator arrives we all step in. "Are we taking the bus?" Tili asks and I nod "Why?"

"Cause I didn't ask dad form my car keys and we're already down here," the elevator dings open and we step out "if you want to go get my keys I'd appreciate it."

"Whatever," Tili steps back into the elevator and I watch her press a button, "I'll meet you guys in the garage." She tells us before the door close.

I look over at Bailey who nods me over to the stairs, I watch her hair sway form left to right as it falls past her shoulders. She pushes the doors open and we make our way down two flights of stairs before she pushes another door open too the garage.

"Is everything alright?" I notice her silence.

"Mmhm." She hums nodding as we make our way to my white Range Rover.

"How's your little boyfriend of yours?" I stop in from on my door.

"He's fine I guess," she shrugs looking up at me, I send her a look letting her know I'm not buying her act but don't press on it anymore "he's meeting us there."

"Right." I nod just as the elevator dings opens and Tili walks out, when she's close enough she throws my keys at me and I catch them and unlock the car. Bailey rides shotgun and Tili gets in the back.

I take the quickest route there because my rumbling belly begs me too. I park near the busy mall then get put my phone in my back pocket and my small backpack on. "I'm still not convinced you have boobs." Bailey states sending her and Tili in an unwanted conversation about boobs.

This lasts us until we go into Victoria Secrets, Tili gets distracted by the colourful bra dropping her argument with Bailey. I kinda just linger around behind them looking at the different lingerie.

I imagine myself in a burgundy two piece lacy set, I would look so sexy! Me just standing there waiting for my mysterious mate to come take me, he'll approach me slowly and as he does my stomach flips at the thought of me taking all his length.

OMG he's going to break me!

"Nadia!" I turn to a whining Bailey "I said can we go to get something to eat?"

"Yeah after this!" I speed talk trying to get back to my thoughts but instead my eyes shift to the entrance and the girls form my class walk in, I don't think they notice me thank the universe. "Great." I mumble under my breath.

"Where there's one of them, there's all of them." I remember Tomas telling me meaning by pure bad luck Saint will be near by.

"Okay I'm done!" Tili says and we make our way to the counter, the cashier greats and starts making small talk with Tili. When she has everything bagged we move leaving the shop without bumping into my bitchy class mates.

"I wanna go Burger King." Bailey tell me.

"No can do, the best I can do is a smoothie." I look around for a near by McDonalds.

"But you said-"

"I know what I said, but mom wants us home on an empty stomach. In time for dinner," I remind her and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Can I go meet Justin?" She turns to me and I nod as she takes the lead, Tili kinda lingers behind so I pull her in "What'd you get?" I ask her and she smiles at me.

"Well I can't show you here but it's so cute!" I smile at her amusement.

"Okay wait here!" Bailey instructs.

"We're going to get the smoothies," I point to an indoor Macky, and nods and walks into a JD with no goodbye. I look over at Tili who's obviously taller then me, So is Bailey for that matter. "So how's school?"

"It's not that bad," She shrugs as we make our way towards Macky's "Spanish is a nightmare though."

"I thought you could understand everything?"

"Yeah! But writing is a different story!" She throws her hands up "I'm trying everything in my power to not hate Spanish." We walk into the restaurant and go to the big ass tablets and order three strawberry smoothies.

When we get our orders we make our way back towards JD to see Bailey with her arms warped around her mans neck, he whispers something in her ear making her giggle.

"Awe young love." Tili says and Nia practically jumps awake scaring me a little "He's around!" She urges and her compulsion takes over my body because my eyes start looking for a familiar pair of blue eyes.

Pure disappointment overwhelms my body but it's not me who sad, it's Nia. "Quit sulking." I tell her rolling my eyes and looking back into JD.

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