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Zayn sat on one sofa watching boxing while Niall and Harry were laughing softly between themselves as Harry tells his jokes and Niall finds everything funny

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Zayn sat on one sofa watching boxing while Niall and Harry were laughing softly between themselves as Harry tells his jokes and Niall finds everything funny. All of a sudden they hear a loud smash come from the kitchen and quickly get up running in.

Louis stands on the counter eyes widen looking over at the boys "Oopsies?" he pouts innocently

Zayn carefully steps over the broken cup and lifts Louis off the counter "what happened?" he raises an eyebrow

"u-um... It wasn't my fault! I-I-I... I tried to grab the chocolate and you all put it on the top shelf and I couldn't reach so I climbed up and then Lili' favourite cup when flying and smashed on the floor!" the smaller boy huffed softly waving his arms around as he explains.

Zayn shakes his head" didn't we say you had to wait till Liam came home then he was to decide if you were allowed chocolate? "

Louis frowns a little staying quiet whining trying to get out of Zayn' arms leaning over to grab Harry.

Harry takes him from zayn's grip and carried him to the living room so zayn can clean up the mess. He sighs sitting down putting Louis on the floor" kneel till Liam gets back. "

Louis whines glaring at him but just obeys and kneels in between Harry's legs laying head on his thigh.

Zayn comes back into the living room with Niall and shakes his head sitting down continuing to watch his boxing.

A half-hour later Louis starts whining softly fidgeting, Niall looks over "Shh Lou not that much longer now."

Louis looks up at them Harry frowning as he's not paying him attention as he's more focused on his phone, he looks over at Niall "P-Please don't tell Lili when he's home"

"Don't tell Lili what?"

Louis jumps turning around looking at Liam as he leans against the door frame "u-uh... N-nothing.."

Liam raises his eyebrow folding his arms "Louis." He says with a slight warning tone.

Louis whines hiding his face as he feels all eyes on him.

"He climbed up to get some chocolate specifically after we told him he had to wait till you got home, and he smashed your cup... The one from your parents.." Niall looks at Louis to Liam as he sits on zayn's lap.

Liam glares at Louis "Come here."

Louis frowns and gets up walking over to him looking down "L-Lili... I'm sorry.."

Liam shakes his head "No Xbox for 2 weeks."

Louis giggles nodding "Oki"

Liam raises an eyebrow at him as zayn looks over  "We've already banned him from that for swearing this morning"

Liam nods softly "Been real bad today haven't you Lou? Alright... No cuddles with Daddy Haz tonight."

Louis eyes widen gasping "YOU MONSTER!!"

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