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Zayn pulls Louis towards him by his shirt fastening the buttons for him

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Zayn pulls Louis towards him by his shirt fastening the buttons for him. "Remember to be on your best behaviour tonight please babes, and stay by one of us at all times. If you do we can go bowling at the weekend how's that sound? Hm? I know you've been wanting to go for a while"

Louis looks up at him "Really?! Can we actually!" He squeals jumping up and down with excitement. It's been forever since he last went bowling! It was one of his favourite activities to do!

Zayn chuckles at the boys' enthusiasm and grabs a jumper from the rail "Of course we baby!" he replies with the same amount of excitement "Anything for you sir Lou" He chuckles and pulls the jumper over his head pecking his nose before sorting out the collar for him. "Beautiful boy, go sit on the bed and wait for me to get ready then I'll do your hair love"

The small boy sits on the bed swinging his legs, he smiles softly watching the raven-haired boy get dressed. He stares at his body watching his every move checking him out.

"Like what you see?" Zayn smirks seeing Louis check him out via the reflection in the mirror. He adjusts his jacket before turning around to face the blushing boy. He grabs a comb and hairspray before walking over to him. "Right stay still for me baby" He smiles when the boy nods, he hums softly and combs his hair styling it before spraying the hairspray to set it. "All ready! Go wait downstairs love"


The car journey to the party was kinda silent apart from the sound of the radio quietly playing and Niall and Louis giggling and mumbling random things to each other.

Liam parks the car and clears his throat before turning around to face Louis. "Before we go in, can you tell me the rules we discussed earlier?"

Louis looks up at him and nods before thinking "Uh... No speaking to anyone. Always stay by one of you at all times.. no drinking... Don't show you guys up.. be on my best behaviour... no arguing.." He nods trying to remember all the rules.

"Good boy, Cmon"

They all get out of the car and Louis immediately grabs onto Zayn's hand.

They all walk into the house, the older lads greet a couple of their friends catching up with them since they hardly get time to go out and socialise anymore since Louis arriving now all their time is taken up by looking after him and keeping him in check

Zayn leads Louis into the kitchen where the music isn't as loud, he grabs some soda for Lou and a can of Stella for himself. He hands the younger lad the drink "Here you go, love."

Louis takes the drink "Thank you.." he mumbles going all shy trying to hide behind Zayn the best he could while still holding his hand. His eyes are wide as he looks all around seeing the amount of people that are all piled into the house. Louis has no idea how one building could fit so many grown drunk men inside.


A few hours into the party things started getting pretty heated. The older boys were all dancing somewhere in the house and Louis was left alone in the kitchen.

He looks around frowning feeling kinda scared not having anyone around him for protection or security.

He takes a deep breath and grabs a random cup from the counter. He looks inside it swirling it around the glass before taking a sip. He coughs screwing his face up. "Gross.." He takes another look around the kitchen before shrugging not being able to see any of the boys. He downs the rest of the drink before putting the glass down and picks up another one downing it again.

After one too many drinks Louis starts to become drunk. It hits him hard and fast. He's never drank before. Well. He has has cheap cider when he was a teenager before he came to move in with the boys but then they prohibited him from drinking anything of the alcoholic sort. But this that's he's been drinking tonight is so much stronger than anything he's ever consumed.

The small lad keeps downing more shots starting to gain some confidence. Forgetting where he is, he starts dancing with some random lad he doesn't know the name of. First, it's casual dancing but with a few songs and a couple more shots in he starts grinding against the man shaking his hips in time to the music.

"LOUIS!!" Liam yells so loud that the music is hardly audible anymore.

Louis jumps away from the man, he drops his cup and quickly stumbles over to Liam. His heart racing was racing. "I-.." He hiccups.

"Save it. I don't want to hear it. Get out. Were leaving." Liam orders. He watches Louis walk out of the house then apologises to his friends for causing a scene before getting in the car slamming the door driving home in silence.


im back.

hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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