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Liam was still at work he's been working a lot more since he found out harry was leaving him and taking Louis with him. He never meant to hurt Louis he just couldn't control his anger.

He grew up in a household where he was taught not to love but to control. He was taught he had to show he was boss and what he said goes if he was too soft that's when things go wrong and people end up hurt.

He didn't know any better.

His parents never showed him much love or affection, they rarely showed it between them. His parents' relationship would be considered toxic, and abusive maybe but that's how he thought relationships should be.

Things changed when he met the guys in college. They showed him what love is, and how a relationship should be.

When Louis hit the scene things became harder for him, seeing the men who said they loved him give all their affection towards this small kid.

It was weird.

Tho Liam can admit Louis was cute.

He still is.

Louis brought out a soft side in Liam which he hated. He didn't understand the feeling. It was all new to him.

So he went against the feeling and did what he knew best. But now he's regretting it. He should have never taken his father's advice. He should have listened to his heart.

He knows the only way to get Harry and Louis back home is to change. He has to change. He will change. He's got to. It's his only hope.

Be kinder.

Be more loving.

Don't shout or use violence.

That's what he's got to work on and fast. If he leaves it too long things will be impossible to fix.

Once Zayn and Niall arrived home they just sat on the sofa in silence for a while. It felt weird. It doesn't feel much like home anymore. Not without Harry and Louis. They make it feel like home.

They decided on ordering takeout since zayn wasn't in the mood to cook for just the two of them, it didn't feel right.

So while they were waiting for it to arrive Niall decided to head upstairs and get a quick shower.

He headed into the bedroom to grab some clothes when he noticed a piece of paper laying on the bed, he walked over to pick it up. He teared up immediately reading it. "I love you too.." he placed it back on the bed while he quickly got a shower.

He grabs the note-taking it downstairs and gives it to zayn. "he left it for us" he sat down next to him. "Even his spelling is cute"

Zayn puts it down on the table pulling Niall into a hug. "God if we are like this after a few hours how will we cope when it gets to months of them been gone"

"They won't be gone that long"

Both Zayn and Niall jump hearing Liam's voice as they didn't hear him come in and wasn't expecting him home this early.

"No your right they will be gone longer thanks to you!!" Zayn stands up wiping away the few tears that shed glaring at him. "This is your fault! And don't try that whole sob story about your parents I didn't care! That's not an excuse anymore!! We have been together nearly six years Liam we have given you plenty of time and space to get over it! We have loved you and stood by you every single step of the way! But I can't do this any longer I'm not losing them because of you! All I have ever done is take your side over and over again and for what?! Because you never change! You're never going to change! Your sick you got it? So either man the fuck up and fight for your husbands or risk losing the only people who ever loved you"

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