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He fell asleep!

Louis fell asleep outside!

A few hours passed until Harry and Zayn finally arrived home from shopping, as they were getting the bags from the boot of the car that's when Harry noticed the small boy. God, he must be fucking freezing!

Harry hands his bags to zayn before kneeling next to the boy gently shaking him awake "Lou darling wake up" he picks him up and heads inside laying him on the sofa. He covers him up with a blanket placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

He storms into liams office slamming the door against the wall. "How could you?! He was asleep outside in the fucking freezing cold!!"

Liam looks up at harry annoyed he just barged in and disturbed him. "How was I supposed to know he was outside? I told him to clean not leave the house don't get mad at me because your special little boy is an idiot and can't follow direct orders"

"Do not speak about him like that!! He does everything you ask of him yet you still treat him like a piece of shit! you don't deserve his love, you don't deserve him!! You do one more thing and I'm divorcing you and taking him with me, got it?!"

He storms out of the office before Liam can even reply and goes and sits on the bottom of the sofa waiting for the small boy to wake.

Which he does an hour later, shivering.


"Hey, I'm here little one" He pulls him onto his lap holding him close. "How are you feeling?"

"Like m dyin.."

"Oh love your not dying, you just need to rest and get better okay?"

Zayn walks into the living room handing Louis a cup of hot chocolate and harry a coffee. "I heard you were awake this should warm you up." He sits down next to them taking his own drink from Niall. "We heard what you said to Liam, was you actually being serious?"

"Yeah, of course, I'm serious and if I do just know it's nothing against either of you, I mean you could both come with us if it does come down to it. I didn't tell him the part where I'm giving him to the end of the week go change and be more caring if not were gone"



Just a small chapter while I try to think of how I want this to end

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