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The older lads had just about finished packing the suitcases and getting themselves ready

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The older lads had just about finished packing the suitcases and getting themselves ready. They started putting the things in the back of the car and leaving it up to Liam to go wake up Louis.

God this was going to be a challenge.

They've left him as long as they could.

See it's now 3:30 am. Their flight is at 6 am.

Louis claims no one should have to wake up before 10 am. He says it's criminal for him to have to wake up any earlier.

Liam walks into the bedroom and sits on the bed next to Louis rubbing his back to not startle him "Lou baby... It's time to wake up"

Louis whines hiding his face into the pillow "M sleepin.. "

Liam sighs deeply trying to not get mad at him and keep his cool. "Louis. Up now, you have to get ready cmon"

"No tank you Lili I sleep"

Liam rolls his eyes and gets off the bed and grabs an outfit from the closet. He goes back to the bed laying the clothes down taking the covers from Louis pulling him towards him, changing him out of his pj's into some joggers and one of Harry's hoodies, he sighs deeply struggling with putting his trainers on since Louis isn't giving any sign of bothering to help.

Once he's got the little lad dressed he picks him up carrying him downstairs. "Right is all the suitcases in the car?" He heads to the car once he gets a nod from one of them. He puts Louis in the car fastening him in.

They all get in the car and Liam starts to drive to the airport.

Niall tries his best to keep Louis awake so he will sleep for the flight. They decided not to tell him where they're going because if he knows he will be all excited and hyper.

It's easier to deal with a tired, grumpy, whining and clingy Louis than an excited, hyper, loud and energetic Louis.

They finally arrive at the airport after an hour of Louis complaining and continuously asking "Are we nearly there yet"  "Where we going"  "Your all meanies wakin me up from me nice sleep"

They all get out of the car and grab the suitcases. They head inside with Louis running after them.

After they go through security they take their bags to be checked and place them on the conveyer belt.

Louis looks around and sees no one's watching him and climbs into the conveyer belt laying down.


"Get down fuck sake"

The small boy pouts and just rolls off laying on the floor with his arms crossed. "First you all wakes me up early an not let me sleeps, an then not tell me where we goin an now you not let me have any fun" he huffs.

Liam rolls his eyes at the dramatic boy picking him up carrying him into the plane. "Behave please Lou I won't ask again."

Louis pouts softly and cuddles into Liam laying his head on his shoulder.

He starts fussing as he gets placed on a chair immediately making grabby hands towards Liam.

"No babes you need to stay in your own seat while we take off" Liam states calmly taking a seat next to him.

After the plane takes off Liam undoes Louis' belt and lets him climb onto his lap.

Louis cuddles into Liam wiggling a little to get comfy and sucks his thumb starting to fall back asleep as the little lad was absolutely exhausted.

The older men all quietly talk between themselves till they know Louis is fully asleep before getting some rest themselves.

See they are heading to England to go visit their families.

The reason they didn't tell Louis is because he would be all excited and chaotic. He loves seeing them!

His favourite person ever is Anne!

He finds it hilarious that she tells the boys off!

She even sneaks him lots of cookies after his daddies say no!

After a few hours, they arrive at the airport, The lads walk off the plane collecting their luggage. Liam was carrying a sleeping Louis deciding to leave him be for now.

They get in a taxi and head to Anne's house.

When they pulled up on the street Louis wakes up. He rubs his eyes with his little fists kneeling up to look out of the window. He screams excitedly when he realises where they are.

Sorry this chapter is short

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