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Niall walks down the alleyway and frowns as he heads soft cries, he walks closer to and kneels next to the boy then realised it's Louis he takes a deep breath to try not to scare him "Lou

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Niall walks down the alleyway and frowns as he heads soft cries, he walks closer to and kneels next to the boy then realised it's Louis he takes a deep breath to try not to scare him "Lou.. baby.."He says softly to not startle him placing his hand on his shoulder gently.

Louis flinches and his soft blue eyes widen looking up at Niall in fear." D-don't... H-H-hurt me... " he hiccups wiping his eyes.

Niall carefully picks him up while dialling Harry's number "I would never hurt you, okay baby? None of us will I promise." He holds his phone to his ear "I've found him haz head home, yes he's fine don't worry"   He says softly before hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket then makes his way home carrying the small boy in his arms rubbing his back trying to calm him down and warm him up the best he can.
The fake blonde slowly walks inside carrying the sleeping blue-eyed boy, as soon as he does Harry and Zayn rush over before Niall quickly hushes them "We will speak to him in the morning, I've finally got him to sleep" he walks past them heading upstairs to his room since Louis' room is still a mess and the window needs fixing before they let him in there again. He carefully lays Louis in his bed gently tucking him in placing a soft kiss on top of his head"good night baby" he walks out of the room closing the door slightly walking back down the stairs heading into the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a slight sigh before turning his head looking over at Zayn as he walks in "he's so scared of Li babe.."

Zayn looks at Niall nodding his head as he walks behind him wrapping his arms around his waist "I knew he would be, I tried speaking to him once you and H left but he just yelled and walked off to his office probably to drink.." he mumbles softly into Niall's hair as he rests his chin on top of his head gently closing his eyes holding his fake blonde boyfriend close to him.

Harry goes upstairs and sits on the floor next to Louis and holds his hand gently placing a soft kiss on top. "I'm so sorry I didn't protect you baby boy, daddy haz is here now.." 

And that's how Ziall finds them, Louis fast asleep sucking his thumb while his other hand is been held by a sleeping Harry who is sat crossed-legged on the floor and his head carefully laying on edge of the mattress.

Both boys coo at the sight, Niall carefully moves Louis to the middle of the bed before taking off his jeans and shirt before slipping on a pair of PJ bottoms and climbing in next to the small boy. Zayn picks up Harry and lays him in bed next to Louis then takes off his jeans, he closes the door and climbs into bed spooning Niall from behind, he places a soft kiss on his shoulder pulling him closer as he whispers sweet nothings into his ear as the Irish lad slowly drifts off to sleep. Once he's happy that 3 of his babies are peacefully sleeping he falls asleep himself.

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