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Louis got let out of the room a week later, since then he's been on his best behaviour following Liam' every word.

The small boy sits on the counter watching Harry prepare some strange concoction. "What is that?" He screws his face up at the strange green coloured drink.

"It's a smoothie, Lou it's very healthy and good for you" Harry chuckles softly.

"What's in it? that doesn't look very good for you"

"Kale and spinach, do you want a sip"

"No thanks that looks like it might poison me!"

Harry laughs softly at the lad shaking his head having a drink. "Cmon let's go see with Ni is up too"

They both head into the living room, Louis covers his mouth to hold in a giggle seeing Niall standing in-front of the tv yelling at whatever he's watching.

Harry clears his throat to grab the fake blondes attention "I'm about to head to gym, watch Lou?"

Niall nods sitting down patting the seat next to him "Cmere love we can watch.. what's your favourite film again?"

Louis sits next to Niall giggling "Peter pan silly!"

The fake blonde smiles softly putting the film on cuddling the small boy.

They both spent the day cuddled on the sofa watching films and eating a whole lot of junk food! Louis was so happy! Niall is the only one who does this type of thing with him. Liam and Harry make him eat all this horrible healthy food! And Zayn just, well he's Zayn.

When the other three lads come home they found the Louis and Niall fast asleep on the sofa.

Empty pizza boxes,empty beer bottles and empty Pepsi cans all over the floor.

Liam rolls his eyes and slams the living room door shut startling the two sleeping beauty's. "Clean this mess up" he goes upstairs to shower.

Louis rubs his eyes yawning softly, he gets up off the sofa grabbing the pizza boxes putting them in the bin.

Harry looks at him shaking his head fondly before going back to preparing the chicken salad he was making.

"Whatcha makin" Louis stands on his top toes trying to look over Harry's shoulders.

"Chicken salad love, and before you start your having some."

"But me already eaten"

"I know that darling but you just ate pizza, that's no good for you. So your having some salad. Go on, go finish helping Ni clean up"

Louis huffs dramatically going into the living room to finish cleaning.

They all sit around the table, Louis pouts softly picking out the pieces of chicken leaving the salad. He listens into there convo not really understanding much of what there saying. He shakes his head mumbling to himself playing with his hands.

"Louis, eat your salad please"

Louis looks up pouting. "Me full"

"Louis." Liam looks at him raising a eyebrow.

Louis looks down eating a bit of his salad screwing his face up in disgust with each bite.

Once they had all eaten they went upstairs into the main bathroom and got a bath together, it was very pleasurable. A lot of wanking not a lot of cleaning happened.

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