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"ZAYNIE!! NINI!!" Louis screams running hugging them both tightly. "ME MISSED YOUS!!"

Zayn smiles softly messing his hair "we've missed you too kiddo"

Niall smiles big tearing up.

Harry groans "Louis! what did I tell you about opening the door on your own?!" he walks over and stops in his tracks when he sees them both. Not who he was expecting at all.

"Hey..um.. come in?" He steps to the side, he doesn't know what to say to them he hasn't really spoken to them since he left which is mainly down to him avoiding the calls and messages.

"Louis, can you go into the living room for a moment please?"

Louis shakes his head not moving from Zayn's side.

"Louis now we need to have a grown-ups convocation"

"Me is a growns ups member? M 18 now see big boy"

"I know that love but this is a talk for big big boys, not you"

"But me missed zaynie an nini"

"And you can see them in a moment they ain't leaving yet so go on"


"Louis! Go into the fucking living room for a moment fuck sake!"

Louis glares at him screwing his face up "moody pants!" he huffs stomping into the living room

Harry rolls his eyes at his little boys' dramatics going into the kitchen grabbing himself a cup looking over his shoulder "tea?" he grabs another two cups making them all a brew. "So how come your here? I wasn't expecting to see either of you"

"It's your birthday we would never miss it"

"Just because you and Liam have had a little misunderstanding over how to deal with Louis doesn't mean we need to lose contact too"

Harry turns around to face him "it wasn't just a little misunderstanding tho was it Niall?! Liam was hurting him!"

"hey haz...I don't think Ni meant it like that.. look we know the divorce is official Liam called us when we landed"

Zayn just pulls him into a hug. "We know how hard this is on you, that's why we're here. We've also missed you so much"


Louis climbs onto the sofa sitting next to anne. "Why daddy in a bad mood today? S his birthday he should be happy no sad"

"I know sweetie but he's okay don't worry nothing he can't handle especially with zayn and niall here now"

Louis nods cuddling into her as he waits for them.

They finally come into the living room an hour later after having a good catch up and sorting things out.

Louis crawls into zayns lap cuddling him. "Me really missed you s been forever. Why don't you come see me more?" he looks up at him. "Do you no longer love loulou?"

"Of course I love you babes, it just costs a lot of money to fly here and back every week like you want. But me and daddy harry have spoken and planned something for you very soon"

"Planned wot?! Tell me!"

Harry groans softly glaring at zayn "why did you have to mention anything?"

Zayn shrugs lightly "I can't tell you that yet kiddo it's a surprise okay?"

"But no like surprises"

"You will like this one promise" Zayn kisses his forehead smiling softly


"Daddy daddy close eyes!" Louis huffs dramatically

Harry chuckles closing his eyes to please the small boy.

Anne stands with her phone recording as Niall turns the lights out zayn walks in carrying the cake Louis made.

They all sing happy birthday and Louis giggles when harry blows out the candles.

"Daddy you needs to make a wish!"

"I don't need to make no wish when I always have everything I want which is youuu" harry picks him up pecking his lips a few times before tickling him.

"Daddy! No no, stop!" Louis giggles squirming in Harry's arms.

Harry chuckles putting him down.

"Did you like the cake daddy? Me made it all on my own"

"You did? Oh wow thank you" harry smiles softly.



I acc don't really know what this fic is even about at this point I just write when little bits come into my head that's why I'm so slow at updating I'm so sorry. I also just wanna thank whoever is still acc reading this thing I don't get why but thank you sm ily<3

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