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Louis woke up late which causes him to frown when he realises that means time lost spent with Anne! Gosh! He's not going to have enough time to do everything! He climbs out of bed stretching letting out a soft yawn

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Louis woke up late which causes him to frown when he realises that means time lost spent with Anne! Gosh! He's not going to have enough time to do everything! He climbs out of bed stretching letting out a soft yawn. He slowly heads downstairs rubbing the sleep out of his eye. His face is all rosy from sleep, hair sticking up all over the place, a pattern on his face from how he was sleeping on the pillow. He hears talking in the kitchen and slowly walks inside to not interrupt anyone.

"Louis baby! Good morning darling!" Anne coos seeing the sleepy little boy dishing him up a plate of food placing it in front of him as he climbs onto the chair. 

Louis smiles sleepily rubbing his eyes before starting to quietly eat his food.

"So what do you what to do today Lou?" Zayn asks the small lad as he stands up to get himself another coffee. "We can do anything you want."

Louis looks up with wide blue eyes. "Anything?!"

"Lower your voice babes, but yes anything" Zayn replies stirring his coffee before taking a seat back next to Liam.

"Hmm" Louis pouts furrowing his eyebrows as he tries to think. Placing his thumb and pointer finger on his chin looking deep in thought.

This causes the other boys to coo at the sight of him, Harry takes a picture of him sending it to the other boys before adding it to the album with all the other cute photos they have of their boy.

"We go see the lions!"


"You mean the Zoo?"

"Yes! That's what me said silly daddies" He giggles finishing his breakfast.

"Right then, let's go get you all dressed for the zoo" Harry stands up putting the empty plate and cups in the dishwasher.

"You come too?" Louis looks up at Anne with big blue puppy dog eyes "Pretty please come zoo wif me!"

"Of course, I will dear!" Anne smiles down at him. How could she refuse him?

And with that Louis cheers and runs upstairs yelling for Harry to stop being so slow, which he got scolded for by Liam.

Harry looks through the clothes and hands Louis a blue and white striped t-shirt, suspenders, jeans and one of his Hoodies. He loved the younger boy wearing his clothes. It was adorable.

Louis looks at the clothes then back at Harry laying down on the bed. Causing the man to shake his head rolling his eyes fondly before getting him dressed. He puts his shoes on before quickly sorting out the boy's hair. "All done!" Harry stands up smiling at the little lad. "Right cmon baby let's go see the lions!"


They eventually arrive at the Zoo after Louis constantly complaining all the way there telling them to be faster.

As they get out of the car Liam grabs ahold of Louis' hand causing the younger boy to frown and try to pull away from him.

" No tank you! I wan Anne to hold me hand pwease!"

Liam looks at Louis shaking his head disapprovingly before looking at Anne.

"I'll be fine with him dear don't worry," Anne reassures Liam taking hold of Louis' hand.

Louis grins.


They first head to the aquarium.

"Louis slow down!" Harry scolds him as the boy tries to run ahead tugging on Anne's arm.

"Harry dear it's fine" Anne reassures him, knowing he's only looking out for her. But she knows Louis isn't causing any real harm. The boy is just really enthusiastic and excited! She can't let him be disciplined for that!

Louis stands right up against the glass watching the fish. He gasps. "Daddy look!" He squeals pointing at some brightly coloured fish. "Can me have one? Pwetty please! Me be good boy!"

"Maybe, we will think about it when we get home"

"No. You can't have a fish, you already have a cat"

"Oh cmon he can have both"


Louis glares at Liam.


He's so mean!

Louis turns back to admire all the fish.

He does that for half an hour.

After finally getting him to move away from the fish they take him to see the Lions, the real reason they are here.

Louis runs over standing on his toes holding onto the bars.

"Louis no hands away."

Louis ignores whoever was speaking to him and keeps his eye on the Lion as it walks closer to where he's standing.

"Hi, mister lion!" Louis giggles trying to reach his hand inside to attempt to stroke the animal.

Pouting when the Lion rawr' at him.

He decides to rawr back at the animal.


Sorry, it's short, I've sort of lost motivation.. could y'all please hype this book up? give me a reason to keep writing? sorry...


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