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Louis was sat focused looking out the plane window, he had not spoken a word since Harry dropped him off at the airport early hours of the morning giving him clear instructions of not to speak to anyone, to behave and to meet zayn in the airport as soon as he lands. Since Louis wanted zayn and Niall so much harry couldn't be bothered trying to stop him or reason with him about it so he rang zayn last night to plan it all.

The plane ride went a lot quicker than Louis thought it would he rubbed his eyes stretching a little as he stood up, he grabs his little backpack and walks off the plane. He looks around panicking a little as there are a lotta people and it's really busy, as soon as he notices zayn he runs over to him. "Zaynie!"

Zayn smiles softly picking him up "hey buddy, I bet your tired from the flight hm? "

Louis nods his head softly.

Zayn smiles carrying him to the car, he puts him in the back seat doing the belt he kisses his cheek softly before closing the door and getting in the driver's seat. "Do you want to go grab any food first or straight home"

"Home.." Louis lays his head against the window wiggling a little to get comfy he seems to have spent nearly all day sitting down.

Zayn keeps an eye on him through the mirror for a moment before driving home.


I know the chapters are short I apologize but please give me time to start writing long ones again <3

Don't forget to vote and comment <33 ty to everyone who's still even reading this I love you sm <3

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