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Louis sniffles wiping his blue eyes with the sleeve of Harry's hoodie he's wearing, he takes a deep breath thinking about his options

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Louis sniffles wiping his blue eyes with the sleeve of Harry's hoodie he's wearing, he takes a deep breath thinking about his options. He carefully runs his hand along his throat whimpering as it's all bruised.

He looks around the room and gets up mumbling to himself softly

"I-if Lili doesn't want me here ill leave.." he gets some socks on and then puts on his white vans. Before packing a backpack with a spare change of clothes, well Harry's clothes to be precise. They were his favourite type of clothes, there always oversized and the soft scent of harry makes him feel safe and secure. He then lays on the bed watching the clock tick by waiting to make sure the boys are asleep before he escapes

**** hours later ****

The small boy goes and locks the door carefully to not make any noise before trying to open the window, he groans softly as it's locked and the keys are in Liam's office, which is too much of a risk to go get. He quickly glances from the door to the window taking a deep breath before throwing a chair at it, he jumps back as it smashes and makes a loud noise and glass flies all over the room. "Shh!" He huffs yelling at the window with a slight pout of his face, he quickly glances at the door again making sure it's safe to go before jumping out the window.

"Oof!" He whimpers standing up ignoring the pain in his leg, he takes a deep breath and limps put the garden as quick as he could. He crawls under the bush onto the streets.

Louis stands up brushing the dirt off his joggers before looking around the dark streets deciding which way to walk, he limps down the road with the most lights as fast as his little legs can take him.

*Meanwhile back at the house*

"FUCKING FIND HIM!! HE'S NOTHING WITHOUT US!" Liam glares at the 3 slightly shorter boys in front of him as he paces Louis room.

"Li calm down babez.." Zayn looks up into his soft brown eyes "We will find him don't worry, just calm down... Go sit down ill clean up while Harry and Niall go look for him, he couldn't have got far have you seen the size of him?"

Harry and Niall both nod at Zayn's words and go downstairs to get their shoes on.

Zayn looks at Liam gently placing his hand on his shoulder "We will find him. but once we do you need to promise me to let me and harry deal with it, Okay? All you need to do is apologise to him for what you did. Pinning him up like that.. after what we know about his past?" He shakes his head moving away from him "I don't know what's gotten into you lately but you need to stop taking your anger out on Louis!! He's not done anything but try to please All of us, especially you!! yeah, he makes a few mistakes but he's a kid! he's still learning, To say he's only been here a year I think he's done perfectly to adjust to our lifestyle! You need to get your fucking act together Liam" He glares before kneeling picking up the pieces of broken glass.

Liam frowns softly glaring at zayn. "I know what I've done wrong zayn, but you do not have the right to speak to me how you just did! Just hurry up and find him!" He walks out of Louis room to his office slamming the door sitting down at his desk putting his head in his hand rubbing his temples.

Niall and Harry head out to the house and roam the streets trying to find Louis.

Harry looks around then at Niall "Let's split up it might be easier to find him, call me if you see him"
Niall nods softly and walks in the opposite direction.

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