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Niall woke up and frowns a little not seeing Harry or Louis in the bed, He shrugs softly figuring Lou probably woke up early and Harry took him downstairs

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Niall woke up and frowns a little not seeing Harry or Louis in the bed, He shrugs softly figuring Lou probably woke up early and Harry took him downstairs. He looks over at zayn and smiles softly, he moves the loose strand of hair out of his face and places a soft kiss on his head before climbing out of the bed and pulling the covers back over him.

He heads to the bathroom and jumps in the shower and washes his hair and body, he hums softly as he gets out and gets changed before brushing his teeth and doing his hair.

The fake blonde then goes downstairs to start breakfast for his boyfriends, he stops in his tracks as he sees Harry asleep on the sofa with the small blue-eyed boy asleep on top of him. He smiles softly walking over pulling the covers over them pecking both their heads then goes to the kitchen preparing a coffee while thinking of what to cook.

Liam wakes up groaning, he stretches letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He stands up all achey as he fell asleep hunched over his desk doing paperwork. He heads straight to the kitchen and leans against the doorframe watching Niall sway his hips as he cooks, he smiles softly to himself.

The tall brown-haired lad walks over to the fake blonde and wraps his arms around his waist, The smaller boy flinches at first then looks down at the hands "Li you need to take a shower you stink" he screws his face up at the scent of his boyfriend.

Liam rolls his eyes "I don't smell that bad no need to be so dramatic you are almost more dramatic than Lou.. and yeah I'm going to smell anyway I slept in my office as I needed some space and time to think."

Niall scoffs "You needed time and space?! What about Louis?! you know the boy who you hurt real bad for no reason!"

Liam takes a step back and looks at Niall in shock as he never shouts "Woah baby calm down.. I'll apologise to him later." he turns to walk out of the kitchen when he bumps into zayn "oops sorry my love" he takes a step back moving out the way for him to come inside.

Zayn nods his head walking into the kitchen "Why's nialler cooking? Were all going to get food poisoning" he chuckles softly "Li? how come you ain't cooking seriously?" he messes up the fake blondes hair before looking over at the puppy-eyed man with an eyebrow slightly raised in confusion.

Niall pouts at zayn "I'm not that bad of a cook!" he plates the food up putting it on the table. "I'm going to wake up Haz and Lou" He mumbles walking out the kitchen

Liam Chuckles softly sitting down "I just came downstairs and he was cooking" he shrugs lightly grabbing a piece of bacon taking a bite "How was Louis last night?"

Zayn goes to open his mouth and say something when Niall walks back into the kitchen followed by Harry with Louis in his arms. "Ask him yourself" He sits down at the table after ruffling Louis's hair and giving harry a soft kiss on the lips.

Harry sits down with the small blue-eyed boy on his lap feeding him while talking to the rest of the boys.


Louis runs downstairs onto the sofa and gasps seeing snowfall "DADDY HAZZY! SNOW SNOW"

The green-eyed lad runs down after him "Woah baby no need to shout I'm here, go get your coat gloves, hat, scarf and wellies on then we can go out for a little before lunch okay?"He pecks his head. Louis nods running around to put them on, Harry chuckles shaking his head fondly.

They all go outside, Liam leans against the doorframe sipping his coffee watching them. Zayn and Niall start building the body under Louis' orders, which takes them quite a while as they keep throwing snow at each other. Louis sits down in the snow gathering snow to build the head with his eyebrows furrowed and tongue stuck out in concentration. Harry Crouches down next to Louis smiling watching him.

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