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Louis jumps up from where he was laying on the living room floor playing with his kitten to open the front door. "DADDY!!" he screams jumping into his arms. "Me missed you!"

Harry chuckles carrying him inside one-handed holding his bags in the other. "I've missed you too but I'm pretty sure you ain't supposed to open doors are you?" he raises his eyebrow slightly putting his bag down after closing the door. "Were is everyone?"

"Uhh... Li is in his office doing his boring stuff like always zaynie went out shopping an Nini is somewhere cleaning up"

"And where are you supposed to be?"

"M playin' in living room with kitty daddy come she's gots bigger since last times you saw her!"

"C'mon then let's get you back in there then hm?" he carries him into the living room putting him down. "You stay here okay? I'm going to go find Niall okay?"

Louis frowns deeply "You leaving me?"

"No, I'm still going to be here I just need to go talk to Niall about boring grown-up stuff okay?"

Louis pouts softly "Promise you not leavin me again Daddy.."

"I promise baby" he messes his hair kissing his cheek "ill be right back" He walks off to go find Niall.

Louis frowns watching him walk out of the room. "Daddy needs to stay here forevers.." he looks around and runs to the front door locking it then goes around locking all the windows.



Short little update for you guys who wanted me to postttt <33

Don't forget to comment and vote <3

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