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"He doesn't hate you h cmon you know that" Niall rubs his shoulder "Just give him time he will get over it"

"No I've completely fucked up this time ni he hates me he thinks I'm leaving him like everyone else in his life"

"No, he doesn't you know how over dramatic he can be, you go sort out your work and we will deal with him it's just for a few weeks right?"

"Yeah... You sure you are going to be okay with him?"

"Of course, haz go on" Niall hugs him softly.


Zayn sits on the floor holding Louis close whispering sweet things in his ear to calm him down. "Lou babes are you okay now?"

Louis slowly nods his head sniffling and burying his face into his neck clinging onto him tightly "Z-zaynie.." he hiccups "You won't never leave l-lou lou will you?.."

Zayn rubs his back softly "I won't darling I promise and Daddy h ain't leaving you babes he's just going away for a little while for work he will be back as soon as he can okay? But we can still have fun, can't we? Hm? Me you ni and Liam " he smiles softly feeling the little boy nod his head. "Get some sleep love I'm right here your safe"

he rocks him gently singing softly until he's asleep. Once he knows he's asleep he stands up slowly to not wake him and carefully places him in his bed pulling the covers over him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek wiping his hair from his face.

He looks around the room sighing at the state of it, there are clothes pictures books teddies thrown all over the room his drawers are emptied out and all over the place. He shakes his head making a mental note to get the boy to clean it once he wakes up.

He slowly closes the door and heads downstairs straight into the kitchen sitting down at the table putting his head in his hands.

Niall walks over to him slowly massaging his shoulders and placing a soft kiss on the back of his neck "he will be okay don't worry, don't stress yourself out too much"


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If you have any ideas of what you want me to write lmk

I'm sorry for the short chapters but I've honestly forgotten the actual plot soo

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