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Today was not a good day for Louis!

First he got woken up at 4am!


Who's dumb idea was it to wake him up that early?!

Then he wasn't aloud to say goodbye to Anne because apparently it was too early to wake her up!

That upset him deeply.

Then Liam gave him an apple for his breakfast!


Who eats apples?

Then he had to wait for 2 hours for the plane! He was so bored! No one would play with him! He was made to just sit down quietly! Not aloud to make a sound or move! Gosh! That was super hard!

Then on the plane he had to sit by himself! He wasn't aloud to sit on anyones lap!

That was so rude!!

He ended up falling a sleeping. It was such a peaceful sleep until he got rudely awoken and made to walk! Gosh! They all refused to carry him! Imagine that!

Things got worse when they got to the car.

Liam refused to buy him mcdonald's!

Today was definitely not going well.

Once he got home the small boy glared at them all stomping up to his room slamming his door behind him letting out a high pitch scream before flopping onto his bed, he folds his arms over his chest with a scowl on his face. "Stupid idiots never listen to me or do anything me asks of them! Always bossing me around, always do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that blah blah blah"

Little did Louis know Liam had followed him upstairs and heard everything he had said, to say he was angry would be an understatement.

Liam walks into the room looking at the blue eyed boy "That's enough from you! I don't want to hear another word coming from your mouth come here now!!!"

Louis jumps up startled, he slowly climbs off the bed and walks towards Liam. He takes a deep breath building up his courage. "Liam will you just shut the fuck up for once in your god dam life!! Stop been so controlling and leave me alone! Me don't want to talk to you! Get out!"

Liam raises an eyebrow amused "Who do you think your talking to little boy?" He walks closer to him making Louis back up until he's against the wall.

Louis glares at him "'M not afraid of you anymore!"

Liam puts a hand at either side of Louis' head trapping him leaning down so he's eye to eye with him. "Oh ain't you?"

Louis takes a deep breath before punching Liam in the face, watching him move away he quickly runs out of his room and down the stairs stumbling a little on the last few. He curses himself before running out of the front door before any of the others could stop him.


i'm back, sorry it's only a short chapter and that i've not uploaded in months.

I'll try be mower frequent with updates, i need some ideas tho.

Is anyone even still reading this or?

Yes Sir {Zainourry} Where stories live. Discover now