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Louis has been staying with them for over two weeks now and the boys have been so surprised at how well he's been behaving. That was until today he's starting to miss harry a whole lot more now, they've face timed a couple of times but it's not the same. Louis misses his daddy's cuddles.

"why can't he jus come here?"

"he doesn't want to darling and we can't force him"

"We can!"

"No, we can not Louis. Stop it please"

"If me can come here an forgive Lili for everything then daddy can come here an forgive him, it happened to me not him he's just been moody" the small boy huffs folding his arms.

"Louis. Enough."

"No!" he stamps his feet "me wants him to come back here an we can all be a happy family again me misses it"

Zayn sighs crouching down to Louis's height "look I miss it too but we can't force him okay? He might come back but in his own time. Cmon we all know how stubborn he can be, sometimes he's even worse than Liam but don't him I said that" he chuckles softly trying to make the upset little boy happy again.

Louis frowns going to his room, he shuts the door and opens his suitcase. He grabs out the only one of Harrys' hoodies he hasn't already worn and quickly pulls it over his head bringing the long sleeves up to his face and taking a deep breath. All the other hoodies had lost the scent of harry and now smelt of the new washing detergent Liam bought. He climbs into bed cuddling into his kitty giggling softly as the hairs tickle his nose.

Once zayn knows Louis wasn't about to come back downstairs anytime soon he sits in the kitchen and face times harry to try to persuade him to come back home.


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I love you guys sm

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