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Zayn and Niall stayed over for a few days doing pretty much anything Louis requested from going to the beach to spending the day cuddled up on the sofa watching movies literally anything he wanted he got, but they've now left Louis has been acting up none stop demanding they come back.

"If you want them so bad why don't you go live with them!"

"Fine me will!" Louis stomps his feet going to his room.

Harry rolls his eyes sitting down on the sofa putting his head in his hands" that fucking boy.." he sighs deeply getting his phone out of his pocket and messaging zayn.

Louis looks around his room and grabs his little backpack putting harry's hoodie and some socks into it. He rubs his eyes  going back downstairs "cmon"

harry looks up from his phone at his little boy "C'mon what?" he raises an eyebrow "what's in your bag?"

"things cmon take me to zaynie an nini me lives with them cuz cuz you meanie"

"I'm not a meanie Louis I just have rules and can't be bothered to put up with your shit anymore you need to behave and learn your actions have consequences"

Louis folds his arms "me does behave you just moody now your old after your birthday"

"oh so swearing at me and refusing to eat what I cook for you is behaving is it?"


"no Louis no buts, go to your room I won't want to see you until the morning go"

Louis glares at him throwing his bag at harry storming up to his room slamming the door "idiot head"

Harry sighs going into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of whiskey, he goes and sits down pouring himself a glass opening his laptop looking up flights


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