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After spending the whole afternoon out in the snow having made two snowmen as one on its own would be lonely according to Louis, and plenty of snowball fighting and other things they all went inside to get out of the cold wet clothes into something warm.

They all sit on the sofa cuddled up to each other under lots of warm fluffy blankets while drinking hot cocoa watching grease under Louis's request.

The small boy sings along to the songs then quickly gasps jumping up in realisation "WAIT! Coz coz it's snowing means it nearly Lou birthday!!" he giggles with a big grin "and lou will get lots lots presents!"

Harry puts his drink down on the coffee table then holds Louis by his waist "stop jumping bubba careful. But yeah your right it's nearly your birthday but that doesn't always mean presents, do you think you've been good enough this year?" He raises his eyebrow a little trying to keep his face serious.

Louis furrows his eyebrows "Louis is always a good boy!" he huffs crawling off his lap onto Zayn's "Ain't lou lou a god boy zaynie? cuz cuz daddy hazzy is been a meanie idiot"

Zayn nods holding his waist "Of course you're a good boy haz is just teasing you love" he pecks the small boys head "you're going to get lots of presents don't worry"

The blue-eyed boy giggles poking his tongue out at harry "Haha!" he giggles softly covering his mouth with his hands.

Zayn chuckles softly messing up his hair "shh now babes let's watch the rest of the film then we can order some pizza hmm? how does that sound?"

Louis squeals "Yes yes yes pizaaa!!!"

Liam looks over and glares at zayn "are you serious? why would you say he could have pizza?? he's had a lot of sweets and hot chocolate already he's going to be hyper af"

Zayn rolls his eyes "it's one time only he will be fine" he looks at Louis "won't you buddy?"

Louis nods "me good, pwetty pwease me have pizza Lili " he crawls into Liam's lap looking up at him innocently

Liam groans "fine but you better behave okay?" the little boy nods giggling


Niall goes and answers the door taking the pizza paying the delivery guy "Keep the change" He smiles closing the door locking it heading to the kitchen putting the boxes down on the table

Louis squeals loudly trying to climb out of his chair to grab the pizza "PIZZAAAAA!!" He screams very excitedly

The boys all chuckle at the small boy, Zayn hands him a slice "careful it's hot babes"

They all eat the pizza with the 4 older boys quietly discussing things between themselves which Louis calls 'boring adulting business' so he just happily eats his pizza minding his own business ending up with pizza sauce all over his hands face and even in his hair.

Harry looks over and laughs "wow.. such a mess for such a small boy! looks like it's bath time!!" he cheers to make it more interesting to the small blue-eyed boy.


The rest of the boys clean up with kitchen while harry takes Louis upstairs to bathe him then changed into his PJs.

The green-eyed boy walks into the smaller boys bedroom laying down on the bed holding him "C'mon then let's snuggle and read a story hm? we've had such a long day!"

The little boy nods cuddling into the taller one rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his top "we read princess story!"

"Which one? there are lots?"
"cinderella silly daddy!" The blue-eyed boy giggles like it's the funniest thing ever

"okay okay settle down love"

The fake blonde walks into the room followed by his two husbands, they all kiss Louis goodnight then hand harry the book then walk downstairs to watch tv.

Harry reads 2 pages of the book until Louis falls asleep in his arms, he smiles softly carefully moving from under him, he pulls the covers over him tucking him in then turns the nightlight on before leaving the room turning off the main light leaving the door slightly open. He heads downstairs to join his husbands watching tv for the rest of the night discussing what to buy Louis for his birthday.

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