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Louis finally woke up a week later, the doctors advised them to keep him in for a few more nights but Louis refused he just wanted to be home with his daddy's and how could they say no? So they took him home.

a month later everything was better than ever, harry had permanently moved back home and now does all his business meetings via Zoom. Liam has been taking anger management courses to help him get through all his childhood problems and learn to channel his anger into different things.

Louis has been as happy as ever, they treat him how they did when they first got him and he loves it. He loves all the attention and cuddles they give him. Every now and then he has nightmares about all the things that happened in the past few months. But after a few cuddles and reassuring words, he's alright.

There have been a few discussions about Harry marrying Louis but nothings happened yet, who knows what the future holds for them?



I'm ending this fic here🫶 i hope you all have enjoyed it thank you for all the support 🫶 please check out my other fics. i'm starting to update and write again xx

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