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Louis hasn't left his room in days he's been refusing to eat or talk to anyone.

He wants Harry.

He misses Harry.

Harry's left him.


Like everyone else always does.

Stupid Louis always ruining things.

Stupid Louis for actually thinking he was loved.

He doesn't want to be here anymore.

When he first came to live with them he was an innocent 15-year-old boy who had only just managed to escape from his abusive father.

In the beginning, they were sweet and did everything for him, for the first time in year's he felt loved.

The last time he felt love like that was before his mother left, that was until he ruined it by coming out gay.

He ruins everything.

He deserves every bad thing that ever happens to him.

But as the years went on the boys changed towards him, they've become more cold and distant the older he became.

He just wants things to go back to the way they were before when they were a happy family.

He's ruined their marriage, Harry and Liam ain't even speaking and it's all his fault. They were happy before he came along.

He needs to make things right again for them.

He slowly climbs out of bed for the first time in ages, he empties his drawers and grabs some of Harry's hoodies he left here and some joggers shoving them in a bag. He opens the window and throws his bag out before slowly climbing down.

He grabs his back looking at the house before running out of the back garden into the forest. He keeps running and running never looking back at far as his legs will take him until he collapses due to exhaustion and lack of starvation.


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I would also appreciate it if y'all could read my other fic!🫶

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