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Louis paces his bedroom thinking deeply. "Be a good boy or be a naughty boy... Idiot Liam has gone away for work on some trip? Me thinks that wot Ni Ni said. So, if me is a naughty boy they won't shoutie at me" He giggles to himself before sitting on the end of his bed. "Or they might become meanies and tell Liam and he will beat me up! Lou Lou will be dead!" His eyes widen gasping. "NO!"He folds his arms pouting to himself having a silent debate.

After half an hour the small boy finally made his mind up, he climbs back off the bed grabbing one of Harry's hoodies pulling it over his head. He lifts the sleeves up towards his face inhaling the soft scent of vanilla and tobacco. It's a strange combination that goes very well together, only Harry could pull it off.

He hums softly checking himself out in the mirror fixing his fringe. He's in serious need of a haircut but each time one of the lads mention it to him, he throws a tantrum. He huff's dramatically when one single strand of hair won't stay in place.


So bloody annoying!

He looks around the bedroom before his eyes land on a pair of scissors that Zayn left on the dresser after cutting a tag of his new jacket.

The small boy picks them up looking back into the mirror before simply cutting off the lonely strand of hair. "Oopsies?" He shrugs to himself before putting the scissors back down before heading downstairs.

He jumps down the final step landing with a thud "fuck" he mumbles standing up rubbing his knees pouting dramatically going into the living room. He looks towards the older lads and raises an eyebrow when he sees them all staring at him. "Wot?"

"Drop the attitude Lou' you've been behaving for weeks now don't ruin it just because Liam isn't here. Come and sit down."

Louis huff's going to sit on Harry's lap with his legs sprawled across Zayn's lap. "I need food!"

"That's not how to ask for things now is it?"

"I said I need food!!"

"Louis William I am warning you!"

Louis looks up staring into Harry's green eyes frowning as he feels Harry's hands tighten the hold on his hips. "Hey hazzie no!"

"Don't tell me no, now are you going to apologise for demanding and ask properly or do you need to be punished?"

Louis pouts moving away avoiding Harry's eyes. Gosh! Since when was daddy hazzie so bloody mean and bossy! He used to be so so super kind! And let Lou get away with everything but now he doesn't! He's so boring! He doesn't even get as many cuddles and kisses as he did before he turned stupid eighteen.

That birthday ruined his life!

He's never having a birthday ever again!


"Don't shout gosh me is right here! Literally here see!" He bounces on Harry's lap a little smirking to himself.

Harry's grip on Louis' hips tightens even more keeping the boy in place. "Don't play smart with me"

"Lou Lou isn't doin anything wrong!"

Harry sighs deeply. "Lou darling please listen to me, don't you want to be a good boy for me?"

Louis nods softly.

"Exactly so are you going to behave and ask properly?"

"Make me some food pwetty please"

"Of course what would you like?"

"ICE CREAM!" The small boy yells throwing his arms up in the air to be all extra.

"No" Harry answers bluntly shaking his head.

"Why" Louis pouts frowning

"Jeez haz that was a bit blunt" Zayn looks at them.

"Z drop it man cmon" Harry shakes his head looking back at Louis "I've already said no so the answer is no, now enough"


"Because I said"




Harry rolls his eyes "Louis stop"




"Louis William!!"


Harry shakes his head standing up off the sofa lifting Louis carrying him into the hallway sitting him on the stairs "Enough now Louis!"

"Why" Louis narrows his eyes at the tall green-eyed man folding his arms.

"Louis William enough is enough!! Behave or do I need to call Liam home from work?"

"NO!!"Louis kicks his legs trying to reach Harry who moves out of the way before he could get hit.

"Then behave!" He smacks Louis' thigh. "I want you go stay here until I come to get you, don't even dare make a sound or more got it"

"Yes sir" Louis huffs exhaling loudly through his nose.

Harry walks into the kitchen to make a start on some dinner.

While left unattended Louis looks around and peaks his head into the kitchen then runs into the living room. He jumps onto Zayn's lap quickly putting a hand over both the brunette and the fake blonds' mouths. "Shush, we watch Peter pan pwease" he whispers, smiling in delight when the film gets put on.

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