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Liam returns home a few days after Louis' little incident and his first punishment

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Liam returns home a few days after Louis' little incident and his first punishment. Ever since that day Louis has done everything that's been asked of him to avoid any more punishments. He's been mute since he's too afraid to say a word in case it's wrong.

Liam walks into the living room and sees Louis kneeling in front of the sofa with his head down fiddling with his hands. He walks over and drags him up to his feet by his collar. "You! I've heard you've been disrespecting my husband when I've been away! What gives you the right to speak to him that way?! " He yells at the younger boy holding him tightly spanking his ass a few times.

"LIAM!" Zayn comes and pulls Louis into his arms rubbing his back "He's learnt his lesson! He's not even speaking anymore so cmon leave him alone" He looks down at the little boy who's silently crying in his arms. He carries him upstairs into the bedroom laying down on the bed with him on his chest rubbing his back whispering sweet soothing words to try to calm him down.


Once the little lad had fallen asleep Zayn carefully moves him from on top of himself and lays him in the bed tucking him in, he moves the hair from out of his face and kisses his cheek "Sleep well babes, I promise I'll fix it all and you no longer have to be scared" He walks out of the room quietly shutting the door before heading downstairs into the living room and have a serious discussion with his husbands.

"You all need to change how you act towards Louis and get it together, he's innocent FFS. Stop hurting him, he doesn't deserve it, I mean we're all still lucky he's still here he's had multiple chances to leave but he never has because he loves us! Just try to give him more respect and don't be as hard on him, he is trying he really is." Zayn finishes his rant sighing deeply sitting down.

"I mean I agree with Z here" Niall nods in agreement with what Zayn had said "Let's give him a good time tonight"


Louis walks downstairs rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with flushed cheeks and bed hair all over the place. He slowly tiptoes into the living room keeping his head down.

The older boys were all sitting in the living room softly talking to each other while golf was quietly playing on the tv as background noise.

Zayn was the first to acknowledge him, he puts his cup down on the coffee table. "Lou, look at me babes." The small boy looks up at him slowly, he carefully pulls him onto his lap and looks at the boys nodding.

Niall was the first to speak up "Look Lou, I'm sorry for how I've been letting the others treat you. I promise I won't let it happen again."

"Lou baby... I'm sorry I lost my temper with you the other day, that never should have happened I know that now. I really am sorry baby boy. " Harry frowns slightly and goes over to Louis kneeling in front of him "Will you forgive Daddy?" He smiles softly once the small boy nods forgiving him "Can you speak for me please angel?" He takes the small hands into his own larger one's.

Louis chews his bottom lip looking down at his and Harrys hands before taking a deep breath holding back the tears, looking up into the green eyes in front of him and nods whispering in a croaky voice due to not speaking for days  "I-i.. forgive you, daddy.." 

Harry smiles big placing a soft kiss on Louis' cheek "I'm so glad you forgive me, baby" he sits down next to Zayn gently rubbing Louis' back.

Liam is the last to apologise. He clears his throat to grab the small boys attention before starting. "Louis, I'm really sorry for how shitty I've treated you. I shouldn't have been such a dick towards you, I get that now. Things will change, I will change.."

That's when Louis did something that surprised all the boys, he got off Zayn's lap and walked over to Liam climbing onto his lap softly kissing his lips "I forgive you, sir, please use me... I want to be used. I'll be a good boy for you.."

And with that Liam carried Louis upstairs into the main bedroom, he gently lays him on the bed kissing his lips softly. Zayn hands Liam a bottle of lube. "Be careful with him"

Liam hums softly at Zayn's words as he undressed himself as Harry helps undress Louis while constantly kissing him, they can't seem to keep their hands off each other.

Once all five lads were naked Liam smirks softly admiring the sight of the smaller boy laid in front of him. "Prove to me how badly you want to be used by me"

Louis kneels up as softly kisses the tip of Liam's cock, licking every inch before he slid his mouth as far down his length as he could without gagging. He started bobbing his head, sucking and swirling his tongue. When Liam was close he pulled Louis of him by his hair, the small boy looks up at him with wide glossy eyes.

Liam kisses him softly then lays him down grabbing a condom putting it on "Are you sure this is what you want?" Louis nods looking into his eyes whimpering when he feels a soft slap to his inner thigh. "Words baby, use your words"

"Y-yes! Please sir I need you"

Liam slowly got on top of him, and pushed his fingers into his entrance "God your so tight Lou" He leaned in and kissed the small boy then he added another finger scissoring him. “You ready?” He nodded. Liam removed his fingers, he moves his hands towards Louis' hips. He pushed into him at a slow pace guiding his hips down at the same time. Once Louis had got used to the feeling Liam started to pick up his pace hitting all the right spots inside of him. Louis kissed him moaning into his mouth tugging at his hair. Liam could feel Louis tightening around him, he kept thrusting into him at a faster pace. Louis moans loudly curling his toes as he came all over his own chest, Liam continues thrusting into him as he cums into the condom, he breathes heavily slowly pulling out. He ties the condom throwing it in the direction of the bin before laying down in the bed pulling the smaller boy into his arms "You did so good baby.. I'm so proud of you" he kisses his head and continues whispering sweet nothings to him as they both fall asleep.

Well! that was my first time writing anything like that, sorry the ends bad I know..

wow I've wrote so many words this chapter!

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