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The first few days went smoothly, Louis started to adjust to the new rules and has so far managed to avoid getting a punishment, all it's taken is one look from one of the boys and he quickly apologises and behaves again

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The first few days went smoothly, Louis started to adjust to the new rules and has so far managed to avoid getting a punishment, all it's taken is one look from one of the boys and he quickly apologises and behaves again. However, he won't be able to avoid not getting punished forever, the small boy is getting curious as to how bad and far they will take the punishments. He decides to push them today knowing Liam is away all day and all night due to work, which in his book is playing it safe since the other boys have never been too hard on him. You see Louis has always had this mischievous sassy side to him which the boys have been trying their best to fix since they first got him. The hardest part of these new rules for him is having to call them all daddy or sir, after calling them by the cute nicknames he made up for each of them 2 years ago, is going to be a challenge.

Louis looks around the bedroom and pulls on a pair of silk panties and one of Harry's large oversized hoodies. He checks himself out in the mirror, he lifts the hoodie and turns to the side checking out his ass, which looks incredible in these panties. Giggling softly to himself he pulls the hoodie back down which goes down to his mid-thigh. He slowly tiptoes downstairs and walks into the living room.

Louis looks over and sees Zayn sitting in the armchair on his laptop, Niall on the sofa watching golf and Harry sitting on the other side of the sofa on his phone.

Louis clears his throat to get their attention "Get me some breakfast now." he folds his arms over his chest.

Harry looks up from his phone and raises his eyebrow at the small lad "I don't think that's how you ask for something, is it? You know better now ask again politely"

Louis huffs softly stomping his little feet "Get me some breakfast now daddy!"

"Louis," Harry starts looking at him warningly causing the other two boys to look over at the scene in front of them.  "I don't know where this attitude is coming from but you better sort it out right now."

"Idiot frog.." the small blue-eyed boy mumbles stamping his feet.

"What was that?"

"Me said you is an idiot frog! you look like one, has anyone ever told you that before" He tilts his head slightly looking the green-eyed man up and down. "Now make me some fookin breakfast!"

"Louis!" Harry snaps standing up grabbing Louis by his arm landing a hard spank on his ass dragging him into the kitchen pulling out a chair placing it in the corner sitting him down on it. "I don't want to hear another word out of you, sit here in silence. Don't move an inch or make a sound until I come and get you. Got it?!" He walks away from him and opens the cupboard grabbing a glass then gets the bottle of whisky pouring himself a glass, before walking back into the living room looking over at ziall "Thanks for the help" he scoffs sitting down taking a sip.


"Can I come out now?" Louis whines from the kitchen swinging on the chair. He's been sitting there in silence for the past 6 hours, he's starting to become tired and hungry not having anything to eat or drink yet.

"Shut up Louis I never said you could speak!" Harry yells at him from the living room not having the patience or energy to deal with him right now. It's been hard for him to try to change from being all from soft and cuddly with Lous to having to be strict and stern with him, but he knows it for the best.

The small boy tears up and stops swinging on the chair sitting it back on all four legs. He's not used to his daddy being this way with him, he used to be his favourite and let him away with everything and constantly shower him with love and affection but now he's gone all cold. He fiddles with his hands picking at the skin around his nails mumbling quietly to himself under his breath not wanting to get in any more trouble "Daddy is turning into Lili.. he no longer loves Loulou.."

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