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Harry and Louis have been in England for just under a month now, they had a nice routine and for once Louis was happy and cared for. He hardly ever threw a tantrum or cried it was great.

Louis woke up super early because today was a special day! It was his daddy's birthday!! He needs to make presents and cake and party and decorations and birthday kisses and cuddles! Gosh, they were lots for him to do in so little time! He had to get it all done before his daddy was awake.

He huffs a little trying to wiggle out from harry's grip pushing with all his force to get his arm from around his waist, he swears his daddy is made of iron or something. Maybe he's iron man?! or another superhero, who knows.

All Louis knows is his daddy is a superhero to him and he's going to show him how much he loves him!

After what seemed like forever to the small boy he manages to climb out of bed and downstairs without waking anyone up, he tiptoes into the kitchen and looks around trying to remember the ingredients he needs to make a cake.

"Flour.. eggs.." the small boy huffs in frustration before he notices harry's laptop on top of the fridge, his daddy won't mind him borrowing it right? He pushes a chair against the counter before climbing up and grabbing the laptop.

He sits down crossed legs opening it up. "password?.. um, Lou Lou probably daddy loves me mostest that's why probably obviously" He continues his little one-sided conversation with himself as he manages to get into it, silly daddy for having his password Loulou's birthday.

Once he found the ingredients he started to make the cake following the instructions to the best of his ability.

He actually manages to make it apart from adding a full tub of cocoa powder instead of a few tablespoons worth and making a whole lot of mess.

He put it in the oven eyes widening as he accidentally slammed the oven door shut "Shh!!" He huffs glaring at the door as if it slammed itself. "Now need decorations! balloons!!"

He looks around the bottom floor trying to find what he needs, why are they no balloons anywhere? Gosh! he nearly gives up his search when he comes across a bunch of paper and pens, guess he will just have to make his own decorations. Maybe daddy will like that better anyway!

After spending a good half hour making decorations and hanging them up all over the living room, well mainly getting himself and most of the walls and furniture covered in sticky tape he jumps up hearing the timer go off, he runs into the kitchen to get the cake but then stops remembering the oven will be hot but he can't let the cake burn!


After a little debate with himself he finds some oven gloves and puts them on and carefully gets the cake from the oven, he accidentally drops it but quickly picks it up and blows on it to make it clean again. He lets the cake cool so he goes back to the living room and starts wrapping presents.

He sits on the floor crossed-legged, he puts on SpongeBob and gets started. He ends up just wrapping up harry's hoodies on tinfoil and putting them on the sofa before starting on the card.

Once it was all done and prepared he runs back upstairs climbing back into bed with harry giving him cuddles.

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