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Louis sits down at the kitchen table swinging his legs silently looking up at the four older men who are sitting in front of him

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Louis sits down at the kitchen table swinging his legs silently looking up at the four older men who are sitting in front of him.

It was the puppy dog eyed lad was the first to speak "Remember the other day we told you that now your eighteen things are going to be changing?" he looks at the small boy before carrying on with his explanation "well today's the day. First, we're going to start by explaining the new rules okay? so can behave and listen like the good boy I know you are?"

Louis nods softly staying silent feeling quite nervous. Harry smiles at him reassuringly reaching holding his hand rubbing his thumb over his knuckles.

"Rule one, you only will call us daddy or sir. No more nicknames.

Rule two, no cumming unless we give permission.

Rule three, no touching yourself in any way.

Rule four, do everything we ask.

Rule five, never say no.

Rule six, ask permission for everything you do or need.

Rule seven, no swearing, fighting with us, arguing, hitting or anything like that.

Rule eight, never leave the house.

Rule nine, your here to please us, for our pleasure and use.

Rule ten, bedtime is at 7:30 weekdays and 7:45 on weekends.

Rule eleven, thank us after every punishment.

Now we will add any more when we see fit. Now onto punishments.

No cumming,
Time out,
Early bedtime,
No cuddles,
Silent treatment,

Now we expect you to remember your place and all the rules, I don't want to have to repeat anything I've just said. Now, do you understand?"

The small boy sits there speechless trying to take everything in and remember all the rules. This is going to be hard. He takes a deep breath and nods "O-of course.. Li-...S-sir!" he frowns looking down quickly, gosh what a fucking idiot messing up straight away nice one Louis!

Liam raises his eyebrow "I'll let you off this time since you've just been told the new rules and I understand it will take a while for you to get used to them, but don't take this for granted. Next time you will be punished."

Louis nods quickly "Yes sir, sorry sir.."

Sorry it's a short chapter!!

What do you think of all the new rules and punishments? are they too harsh?

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Yes Sir {Zainourry} Where stories live. Discover now