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Harry had been staying there for just over a month now and while the tension between him and Liam was high and tense Louis didn't even realise. He's been the happiest he'd been in months. He loves having them all together!

Well, that was until today when Harry told them he has to go back to London as he has some business to deal with.

"NO!" Louis folds his arms standing in front of the door "You not leaving me again Daddy!"

"Baby boy I will be back it's just for a few weeks I have some work down London I need to deal with"

"NO! You lied to me! You promised you would never ever leave me again!" he tears up pushing him "It's not for work you want to go s cause you don't like Lili even tho he's said sorry if me can forgives him why can't you! He never even hurted you it was me! Your just been a stubborn prick!" he punches his chest repeatedly letting the tears flow "you no loves me anymore, do you! Me jus wants us all to be a happy family again but you don't! If you leave me me will never ever ever speak to you again!"

Harry sighs deeply looking up a moment and taking a deep breath before grabbing Louis's wrists and just pulling him close. "Baby I'm sorry okay I am, I love you I always will your my special little boy and I don't want to leave you but I need to go sort out these business deals"

"No!" he pushes away from him "me hates you! Jus go me never wants to see you again!" he runs to his room slamming the door shut.


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