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"Why didn't you inform me he was coming?"

"I didn't know I had to 'inform' you"

Louis slowly walks into the room looking at Liam "y-you don't want me here?.."

Liam looks over towards Louis standing up "what? No, it's not that, I just didn't know, I didn't think you'd want to be around me"

Louis shakes his head slowly walking over to him "me has missed you"

Liam smiles softly "you have?"

Louis nods wrapping his arms around Liam's waist and snuggling his face into his chest.

Liam looks down at him wrapping arms around him and holding him close, he looks over at zayn for a moment who is standing looking shocked, Liam just smiles looking back down at Louis.

The small boy looks up at him a little "you smells different"

Liam chuckles "I've got different aftershave since you were last here"

"Don't like it" he screws his face up rubbing his nose and moving his face away from his chest.

"Well I am ever so sorry, I'll try my best to remember to wear my old one around you hm?"

Louis nods looking around "Lili? Do you still have my kitty?" he looks back at him

"Yeah he's probably in the kitchen"

Louis nods running into the kitchen gasping when he sees his cat curled up on the table. He runs over climbing onto the table sitting crossed-legged next to him. He softly strokes him "Lou Lou is home now kitty me missed you super lots!" he leans down kissing the cat's head.

Liam watches him through the doorway for a moment before looking back at zayn "so how long is he staying?"

"I'm not sure honestly" zayn grabs his packet of cigarettes from the table and his lighter looking back at Liam "all I know is after me and ni left he started playing up for H and not listening demanding to live with us instead" he shrugs lightly "I mean I don't think he will stay permanently but for now until he starts to miss haz he's here with us that's not a problem for you is it?"

"no it's not a problem at all I'm glad he's back, I just wish harry came with him but I know that's never going to happen"


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20votes and ill try have a new chapter up before end of the week! <3

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