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Louis wakes up super early with Harry spooning him from behind

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Louis wakes up super early with Harry spooning him from behind. He rubs his eyes before turning around to snuggle into Harry's chest, he hums softly in content. He takes a deep breath hiding his face, always loving the soft smell of tobacco and vanilla.

Harry pulls the little lad closer to him holding him protectively as he sleeps.

The curious blue-eyed boy pouts softly with his bottom lip sticking out. Why does HIS Daddy Hazzie have to sleep all through Christmas day! Gosh. Such a crime. He should be awake giving Princess Lou all the presents and kisses in the world, not sleeping the day away like a grumpy old frog.

"Daddy.." Louis whispers softly, he tries to push against Harry's chest to get some space between them but with his steel grip, it seems impossible. He huff's and starts poking at his cheeks. "Daddy." He tries again speaking up a bit more.

Harry slowly awakens due to Louis' none stop poking and talking. He looks down at his baby with one eye open "Lou baby boy, what's wrong?"

"S Christmas daddy time to wakey wakey!!" The smaller boy yells in delight.

Harry looks over at the alarm clock on the bedside table and groans internally seeing as it's only 3:28 am "no babes shh, it's still sleep time cmon. Close them pretty blue eyes for me and be a good boy."


"Oh, my cheesecake!" Niall gasps "Lou you look adorable!"

The small lad bursts out into a fit of laughter finding what the fake blonde said absolutely hilarious like it was the best thing ever to be said!

"You do come out with the most bizarre sayings Nialler, I'll give you that" Zayn shakes his head in amusement with a slight smirk.

"Ah but that's one of the many reasons why you married meee"

"Hmm, maybe it could have been" The raven-haired man chuckled before gently pulling the fake blonde onto his lap and kisses him softly.

"Ewwieee!" The small blue-eyed boy cringes out in disgust. "no kisses!"  he huffs folding his arms over his little chest "S time for presents now!"

"Aw is little baby Lou jealous he's not getting any kisses?" Harry chuckles amused at the smaller boy.

"No.." He mumbles softly sitting down next to his kitten moving her onto his lap then strokes her gently.

Liam walks into the living room wearing a Santa hat "Well that's the turkey in the oven! Let's start with the presents!" he ruffles Louis' hair kneeling next to him.

Louis screws his face up "Lili! No" he huffs "You ruined me hair!" he complains making the other lads laugh at him.

"See what you've done to the little lad Z?" Liam chuckles before handing out the presents.


Louis runs into the kitchen giggling getting chased by Niall "Zaynie! Help! Help! Nini is gonna get me!" he runs into the raven-haired man's arms cheering when he gets lifted.

He gets sat down in his chair and frowns at the plate of food in front of him. "I no like it" he mumbles seeing at its mainly vegetables and a little bit of Turkey.

"Don't be so ungrateful. I expect you to eat all of it. You understand little boy?" Liam glares slightly at Louis, fed up with him constantly complaining at every meal.

Louis huff's and eats the turkey slowly stabbing his fork into the carrots mumbling stuff under his breath.


They all lay in the big main bed. Zayn was laying behind Harry spooning him at one side of the bed while at the other Liam laid behind Niall spooning him with Louis in the middle of Niall and Harry with his head in the curly hair lads chest cuddling into him. They all watch Home Alone and that's how they fall asleep.

Check me out uploading a few days in a row!

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