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Liam decided to leave Louis to come back on his own. He didn't go out looking for him. He wouldn't let any of the boys go looking for him either. He knew he would be back.

The other boys, however, were extremely worried about the small boy, but they knew better than to go against Liam's word. So they listened to him and didn't go searching for Louis.

Louis did come home.

Three days later.

He had waited until Liam was gone and slowly walked up to the front door timidly knocking on the door. He puts his hand on the wall to stop himself from falling over. He doesn't dare look up when he hears the door first open.

"Louis?!" Zayn's eyes widen when he sees the small lad. "Come here baby" he brings him inside sitting him on the sofa.

Harry runs downstairs and gasps seeing how malnourished and beaten Louis looks. "Louis babe, what happened?! Where have you been?!"


Zayn comes back in handing Louis a glass of water and some soup, yes it's from a tin. He knows it should be homemade but he didn't have time, he also isn't sure how to make it the same way Liam makes it.

"Here love, you need to eat"

Louis looks around and slowly eats as harry cleans up all his cuts and bruises.

Once Louis had eaten and had a nice warm bath they all were relaxed on the sofa watching a movie when Liam walked in.

His eyes widen when he sees Louis "You! Oh, so you finally came home hm? I don't think you deserve to be cuddling acting all happy. Here now!"

Louis takes a deep breath slowly standing up going over to him "I-..."

"Did I say you could speak?! Hm!? No, I didn't so shut up! You need to be punished and there's a long list of things you did wrong. Your attitude for one, then hitting me really? Running away? Do you think that solves everything? Hm? No, it doesn't!"

Liam drags him upstairs into the bathroom. "This is what naughty little boys get for swearing and having an attitude" he grabs a fresh bar of soap from the cabinet and places it in Louis's mouth. "You better keep your mouth shut until I say so"

Louis whimpers eyes watering trying to keep the soap in his mouth gagging as it foams up. Gosh, it tastes disgusting!

Liam chuckles. "Stay here and don't you dare take that out of your mouth!" He walks out of the bathroom heading into the punishment room.

The small boy fiddles with his hands while he waits anxiously trying to ignore the taste in his mouth, it's so hard for him to not just spit the bar of soap out but he knows it will make whatever's going to happen a whole lot worse.

The brown-haired man walks back into the bathroom and smiles softly pleased that Louis actually listened to him."Good boy for listening but that doesn't mean this is over. Hold your hands out, this is what bad boys get for hitting people" He wacks Louis' knuckles five times on each hand with a ruler.

Louis screams spitting the soap out "Ow ow ow!" he rubs his knuckles tears spilling down his face trying to catch his breath.

Liam rolls his eyes "Grow up" He takes the blue-eyed boy into the small bedroom which is used as the isolation room. "You're staying in here until I come and get you, think about your actions and why you've been punished" he walks out locking the door behind him going downstairs.

He sits on the sofa ignoring the looks he gets from his husbands. "Oh what? He needed to learn"


Hope you all enjoyyy

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