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They wake up a few hours later, harry was the first heading towards his en-suite to get ready for the day. once he has showered brushed his teeth and got dressed he goes and wakes up Louis rubbing his back slowly. When Louis finally turns around to face him he notices he's covered in chocolate and sticky tape but just decides to ignore it for now.

"Daddy!!" Louis jumps up when he realises it's him climbing into his arms and hugging him. "HAPPY DADDY BIRTHDAY!!! IT YOU BIRTHDAY"

"Thank you darling" Harry wraps his arms around his waist standing up"let's get you some breakfast then it's bath time"

"no daddy no you can't it you say no time for bathy times today"

"We will see" Harry rolls his eyes fondly carrying him downstairs

"Wait, daddy! No, stay here!" The small boy wriggles down from his hold running into the kitchen and quickly shutting the door.

He looks around the kitchen and his eyes widen his cake is gone! it's not on the table where he left it! oh no! a cake monster came and ate it when he was sleeping! all his hard work! now his daddy had no cake! what was he going to do?! He also noticed that the whole place looked a lot cleaner than before, maybe a cleaning cake monster?

The small boy frowns deeply and quickly runs into the living room to make sure the monster hadn't ruined all his decorating too. Luckily it
was how he left it, he looks around and noticed Anne. "We gots a problem a cake monster cames in at night and eated daddy's cake!"

Anne chuckles softly "no dear there's no cake monster, I hid it away so daddy won't find it before dinner"


"Now cmon let's go have some breakfast" Anne stands up holding her hand out for Louis, she sees harry on the phone to someone to quietly takes Louis straight through into the kitchen.

once Louis was occupied with a spoon Anne starts to prepare them all breakfast.

when harry finally comes into the kitchen he just slides his phone into his back pocket and leans against the counter opening a letter.


Louis frowns climbing down from his chair and poking Harry's stomach.

Still nothing.

Louis huff's getting frustrated his daddy is ignoring him! "DADDY!!" he kicks his shin to get his attention.

"Louis!! Go sit down right now!" harry looks down at him.


"no daddy nothing! go fucking sit down right now young man!!"

Louis tears up and goes and sits back down.

Anne puts a plate of food in front of Louis. "eat up darling" she goes and hands harry a cup of coffee "what's wrong sweetheart?"

"nothing" harry crumples up the letter taking a sip of his coffee

She gives him a look which causes him to curse under his breath he looks over at Louis and then back at Anne"mine and Liam's divorce papers just came through... I know I shouldn't be upset I wanted this but now it's done I'm not sure how to feel"

"Oh darling" she carefully takes the cup from his shaking hands and pulls him into a hug "it will get easier, does lou know?"

harry shakes his head "no, I don't know how to tell him"

Anne just nods "why don't you go sit down and apologise to him for shouting then eat something"

he walks over taking a seat across from Louis" Lou baby? can you listen to me for a moment?"

Louis ignores him folding his arms avoiding his eyes

"boo please, this is important"

Louis slowly looks at him

"First I want to apologise to you for yelling, I shouldn't have done that baby. I'm just a little upset today that's all"

"whys yous sad?" Louis frowns

"just some grown-up stuff baby, don't worry. eat your breakfast"

"Daddy! Daddy look!!" Louis yells pointing at all the decorations he had put up on the walls.

"Oh wow thank you darling"Harry smiles softly sitting down

"Daddy close eyes quick!" Louis grins when harry complies he grabs the badly tin-foiled wrapped present and hands it to him "Aaaaand. Open!!"

Harry opens his eyes and smiles softly seeing it "oh thank you baby"

"Opens it daddy!"

Harry rolls his eyes fondly and opens it chucking when he sees his hoodie "thank you love"

"You likes it?"

"Oh I love it"

Louis giggles in delight jumping onto Harry's lap and cuddling into him.

They stay sat cuddling for a while as Anne and harry talk. About an hour later the doorbell goes, Louis jumps out of Harry's arms and goes to open the door.

"LOUIS! Do not open tha-..."

Louis swung the door open and his eyes widen.

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