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Harry paces the hospital room.

He's not slept in days.

Not since he got the call 5 days ago saying that Louis had run away, as soon as he hung up the phone he booked the next flight back home.

It took them 2 days to finally find him.

He remembers finding him laying in the woods unconscious.

He thought he was dead.

That was 3 days ago, he's been in hospital since.

He's not left his side since he was finally allowed into the room.

He looks at Louis laying in the hospital bed attached to so many different machines. He feels so helpless, this is all his fault. If he had never gone back to London, Louis would be at home okay and safe.

He sits down in the chair holding his hand tightly "Louis please wake up baby.. Please... I need you to come back to me... I will never leave you again I promise I just need you to open your eyes darling please "

Niall walks into the room and sighs softly looking at them. "Haz... Why don't you go home and try to get some sleep and maybe a shower and change of clothes?"

"No! I can't leave him... I need to be here when he wakes up..."

"Look if there's any sign of improvement ill call you okay? You need to rest you think he will want to see you like this?"

"Don't tell me what he wants! This is your fault for convincing me to fucking leave in the first place!"


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