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After spending all morning in the snow Harry finally got Louis inside after an hour of trying and a tantrum.

They now lay cuddled on the sofa in front of the fire under a fluffy blanket watching Peter pan which Louis requested.

About halfway through the film, the other 3 boys came in, they put the bags of shopping down then took off their coats and shoes before going into the living room.

Harry looks overhearing the rustling of the bags "shh he's just fallen asleep"

Zayn walks over "here let me take him upstairs, we need to wrap the presents" he carefully picks the small boy up without stirring him, he heads upstairs and lays him down in their bed. He tucks him in placing a soft kiss on his cheek "sleep well darling" he quietly walks out of the room shutting the door going back downstairs.

Niall walks into the living room carrying 4 cups of tea, he puts them on the table before sitting next to Harry and Liam helping sort out the presents.

"A kitten? You're not actually serious are you?" Harry raises his eyebrow looking at Liam like he's gone insane

"He will love it, I'm going to collect it in the morning before he'd awake"

"So your actually serious about this?"

Zayn walks into the living room taking a seat having already heard the conversation "yeah he is we went and chose one earlier, but left it there for the night as we can't really hide an animal"

"right.." Harry shakes his head taking a cup of tea having a sip "you realise it's his 18th birthday tomorrow right? You realise what that means?" he raises an eyebrow looking at them.

"of course we know! We've been waiting for this for months... But we decided to let you be the first.."


What do you think they're talking about?

10 votes and 10 comments and I'll try upload again ASAP!

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