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Louis wakes up slowly and rolls over, he whimpers softly as he was expecting to cuddle into Harry but he wasn't there. He quickly sits up rubbing his eyes softly with the sleeves of the jumper he's wearing, the small boy scans the room and frowns "daddy?.." he whispers softly climbing out of the bed.

The small blue-eyed boy stands on his tiptoes then opens the door then walks to the bathroom and sees it empty then goes into all the other rooms and starts to tear up as he can't find anyone. "daddy?.. Lili??.. Nini??.. Zaynie??" he whimpers looking for them. He slowly walks downstairs and goes into the living room.

He looks over and to the sofa and sees them all asleep cuddling, from where they fell asleep, he huffs a little feeling left out. He runs over and jumps on them all" wakey wakey!"

The boys all groan waking up slowly" shh babes" harry mumbles pulling the small boy close to him "let's sleep some more hm.."

Louis shakes his head "nu-uh! Wake up" he whines "we go play in snow gain before it all leaves me" he jumps up off the sofa tugging on the green-eyed man's sleeves.

Harry groans standing up "I'm up I'm up, let's go get some breakfast before we do anything" he picks him up carrying him into the kitchen sitting him down before turning on the kettle  "so what are you thinking?hm?" he turns back around to face him.

"icecream!!" He cheers with a grin on his face.

"Nope, sorry kiddo. It's too early... How about some pancakes and strawberries?"

The blue-eyed boy nods with a slight pout upset about not being able to have ice cream.

Harry chuckles softly shaking his head at the boy before turning around to finish making his coffee before he starts grabbing the ingredients to make the pancakes.

Louis swings his legs humming softly tapping his fingers on the table.

Niall walks into the kitchen stretching as he yawns "I thought I smelt something good" he looks over at harry.

Louis squeals "nini!"

The fake blonde chuckles softly "morning Lou" he pecks his cheek before going over and pouring himself a coffee.

He takes a seat next to him sipping his coffee "so what are the plans for today?"

Harry looks over "well Lou wants to go out in the snow again, so I'll watch him while you guys go shopping" he empathises on the 'shopping' as they still need to go buy stuff for Louis birthday in 2 days.

Niall nods softly sipping his coffee "of course, Lou? why don't you go get Liam and Zayn up hm?"

the small blue-eyed boy nods jumping off his chair running into the living room jumping on top of Zayn and Liam "WAKEY WAKEY" he giggles to himself as the older boys wake up

Liam sits up grabbing Louis "shh, don't wake up zayn we all know how moody he gets" he takes him into the kitchen sitting him down in front of his plate of pancakes which the small boy quickly digs into, he smiles softly before pecking Niall's lips softly before turning to harry "how long has he been up?"

"oh not too long, you hungry?" Harry asks as he puts a plate of pancakes in front of Niall before turning back to Liam

Liam shook his head "no I'm alright, I'm going to get a shower" he goes upstairs


Louis whines as Harry attempts to clean his face "nooo" he screws up his nose not liking the feel of the wet cloth

Harry shakes his head "Lou, please let me clean you? you've got syrup all over, let me clean up then we will go get dressed then play in the snow? hm? how does that sound? however if you don't let me then we cant" he raises an eyebrow as the blue-eyed boy opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it and let Harry clean him up.

He quickly cleans him then takes him to get dressed into some joggers and one of his thick jumpers before putting on socks and wellys then some gloves and a coat which makes him whine

"no, s hot I don't need a coat thank you" Louis pouts looking up at Harry who shakes his head "keep it on or no playing in the snow your choice"

After 5 minutes of arguing Louis decided to keep his coat on and the two head outside to play in the snow, while the other 3 boys go out shopping for groceries and presents for Louis birthday.

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