Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

“It’s snowing!” Emily cried as she twirled around the park, Alex smiled as he watched her happily dance around like a child. Her blonde hair looked like waves as she twirled around as her laughter filled the winter air.

“You’re such a kid,” Alex told her as he hugged her from behind the waist. Emily looked up at him and stuck her tongue out. “I know,” she said, “But I don’t care.” She then pulled away from him and started playing once more.

“C’mon Alex, don’t be such a killjoy,” she said. Alex sighed but joined her in her merrymaking anyway. There weren't a lot of people at the park; they were just the right amount. Most of them were kids though.

“Let’s go make snow angels!” Emily cried. Alex just laughed but did as he was told. He then started thinking of all the insanity they could’ve done if Aria was still staying with them. She went back to Crestville the day Miss Perkins had called them. From what Aria had told him, their parents didn’t take her expulsion lightly as they had expected, but things were getting better now.

The two of them crashed onto the largest pile of snow they found and started making the said angels. After about five minutes, they got up and admired their handiwork. Alex personally felt like he was freezing but he didn’t want to tell Emily. “I must say, my snow angel looks far better than yours,” he said instead.

Emily hit him on the arm and said, “Airhead.” Alex just laughed which made Emily hit him even more, after about three hits, he made a grab for her and hugged her around the waist; enveloping her in a hug thus decreasing the huge level of crispness he was feeling.

She tried wiggling her way out of his grip but he held on tighter and said, “Don’t let go, I think I’m getting hypothermia.” Emily rolled her eyes but stopped trying to get away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his waist too.

Alex found it quite funny how he could never find the words to say to her up to now and yet he could act all sweet around her. It was ironic and idiotic at the same time.

A couple of random passersby stared at them, some even took pictures but he didn’t mind. He just wanted the moment to last forever. It really did seem like that even though in reality, it was only for a few moments.

Once they broke away, Emily looked up at Alex. Her bright blue orbs stared innocently at him. He wanted so badly to kiss her or hug her once more, but of course, he couldn’t do that. Emily leaned in closer, her face was only inches away from his. Alex felt his heart hammering in his chest. It’s finally happening, he thought to himself.

“Alex?” Emily said her voice barely a whisper.

“Y– yeah?” Alex couldn’t find his voice. Emily smiled and stood up on her tiptoes and leaned over to his ear. “Could you do something for me?” She whispered. Alex nodded; he felt his face start to get hot. “Sure,” he said. He silently thanked the heavens for giving him his voice back.

“Catch a snowflake for me.”

And in that moment, Alex’s fantasies were cut short.

“W – what?” He stammered, completely caught off guard. He felt like kicking himself, he was pretty sure he looked like he was ready to kiss her or something like that. Emily grinned.

“Catch a snowflake for me,” she repeated. She then cocked her head to the side and giggled. “What were you expecting, a kiss?” Alex just joined into her laughter and looked away, kicking some snow by his feet.

“Sort of,” he mumbled very quietly to himself.


“Nothing,” Alex said. “Anyways, you say you want a snowflake?” Emily nodded happily, Alex sighed. “Well, let’s get to work then.”

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