Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Surprisingly, they didn't get in trouble with Jackie because she never found out. Emily blamed Rob's race car driver driving skills. Call her sadistic or whatever, but in a way she did want Jackie to find out so she could ground the boys or something. The boys picking her up became a routine since then, something Emily found quite annoying.

"I can't believe no one has ever noticed." She grumbled as they walked the halls towards the exit, the boys just yawned. "What can we say?" said Dylan airily "We are masters of disguise."

"This has got to stop you know." Emily said, irritated. She was getting aggravated more and more each night she saw them by her doorstep. "I am so telling, Jackie later." It had been what? Three days, since they started picking her up? It had only been that long and she was already getting irritated.

"No need," said Alex once they reached the grounds, the cold air greeting them. "We already did yesterday." He said with a smirk. Emily groaned, asking God what she had done wrong to get this sort of punishment. "She was getting annoyed with our constant bugging about wanting to go out." She didn't get a chance to tell Jackie the first and second nights because she was too preoccupied with working, now all her chances were gone and Emily loathed herself for that.

"I can't believe she gave in that easily."

"Meh, she still makes Rob come with us."

Emily felt like banging her face onto a wall, hoping that she would get hurt so bad she would go into a coma or something. It was stupid, she knew that but she couldn't get any other ideas because of Adrian's constant drumming of hands that kept cutting off her train of thought.

"You should show us around on Friday." Sniggered Jack, Emily gaped at him. The thought of her walking around with the boys in disguises at the streets of New York City scared her. What if one of them had some kind of wardrobe malfunction and a horde of fans saw? Claustrophobia crept under Emily's skin. She'd have to get used to tight spaces and running.

"There is no way in hell that is happening." Emily said with a shudder "Besides, you guys will be busier these coming weeks. You're in New York. You'll be having interviews almost every single day, and then there's the guestings at talk shows and other stuff."

"Well, that's boring." Alex concluded. It was pretty quiet outside. There was nothing but the sound of their footsteps and talking. Even the faintest sound of cars passing outside couldn't be heard. A few blocks away from them Emily could see one of the frat houses making some ruckus, they must be having some kind of party. "Can't you like, make arrangements for us to have some fun?" Emily rolled her eyes

"I'm your assistant. Not your fairy godmother." She reminded "Besides, I think Jackie wouldn't like that."

"We could do some things to make her like it." Jack mumbled

"Just find something else to do to pass time." Emily said annoyed, dropping the subject "Like, go play video games or something."

"This is unfair." Dylan huffed. Emily rolled her eyes, she swore. Dylan was becoming a diva more and more each day. Jack nodded in agreement as he kicked a random pebble by the sidewalk "Even The Beatles had some fun during their days when they were around town!"

"Yeah, and did you know one of them actually got killed in a public area?" Emily snapped

"Well, we could always have some extra bodyguards around Alex." Adrian said quietly, Alex narrowed his eyes at their drummer

"What makes you think the one that's most likely to get killed is me?" Adrian rolled his eyes

"Well, John Lennon was the lead singer of The Beatles and he was the one who got shot." This time it was Alex who rolled his eyes "Whatever." He said as he whacked Adrian upside the head, Adrian on the other hand just laughed. Emily couldn't help but suppress a smile; she secretly wished she had a friendship just like the boys', which made her suddenly remember Hanna and Jessica. In a way, they really were her best friends but she just wished it would be easier to be around them. Just like how the boys are around each other.

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