Chapter Eight

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                Chapter Eight

                “Baby you light up my world like nobody else!”

                “The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed!”

                “But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell!”

                “You don’t know –“

                “OH, OH!”

Emily groaned and rolled to her side, she grabbed one of her pillows and covered it over her face; trying her best to drown out what she guessed to be Jack and Dylan singing to One Direction very early in the morning. Morning. Her eyes widened and she immediately sat up, she looked over to her bedside clock and saw that it was already seven thirty. Her first class starts at eight and Joe was going to drop her off by that curb where they picked her up yesterday.

“Dammit.” Emily cursed as she jumped off of her bed and started getting ready. She pulled on a new pair of jeans and some random blouse, luckily they matched. She slipped into her shoes and brushed her messy morning hair. Once she was done she hastily grabbed her bag and ran outside where the terrible singing was coming from.

She was right. It was Jack and Dylan. This explains why they aren’t on vocals, she thought to herself “Hey, Emily!” Dylan greeted her; still using the microphone Emily just smiled and waved at him and headed towards the kitchen where Jackie was trying to eat along Rob (he was one of the boys’ bodyguards he takes turns with Joe on driving the bus)

“Good morning, dear.” Said Jackie tiredly, “Here have some toast; you better eat before you leave for school. Rob here just cooked up some breakfast but I’m having difficulty getting the boys to sit down and eat, so you can eat here with –“

“Yeah, I think I’ll just have this to go. But thanks, Jackie!” Emily said in a hurry as she grabbed a piece of toast and gulped down a glass of juice “Bye! I’m running late, but yeah see you later!” and at that she broke off into a run while eating her piece of toast.

“Bye guys!” Emily called as she ran past them when she came to the living area

“Bye, Emily.” They said in unison,

 “Have fun.” Said Dylan

“Good luck.” Said Adrian

“Yeah, good luck.” Jack said with a snicker. Emily had a bad feeling when he said that, she could tell he was up to something but she didn’t have time to look back and ask him what he meant

“See you later.” Was the last thing she heard from them, she was pretty sure it was Alex. Emily heaved a deep breath once she got to the driver’s side; Joe smiled once he saw her

“You seem tired.” He commented, Emily exhaled a half laugh

“Yeah,” she said as she straightened herself up once more “Woke up late, had to rush and everything.” She looked up at the window and saw that they were a few blocks away from her school; she started getting ready to hop off. They were already coming by the curb when suddenly Alex came into the room

“Hey, Emily I think you should turn your phone –“ but before he could finish they came to a stop, they were at the curb and Joe had already opened the door

“See you later!” Emily called and at that she jumped out of the bus. What Alex was supposed to say seemed pretty important because he called out to her but she had to keep running. She couldn’t afford to be late. Her first teacher was Professor Mycroft and that wasn’t exactly a very nice person.

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