Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

“She’s giving us the silent treatment.” Alex announced as he entered the kitchen where Jack and Adrian were. Everyone could tell that Emily was still pretty upset about the phone thing. She didn’t even greet any of them when she got in. Alex knew what he did was wrong, and he personally didn’t want to do it but he couldn’t help himself. It was in the nerves. He was a prankster just like Jack, but since she arrived and became their assistant he felt a bit uncomfortable, like he wasn’t himself. And everyone noticed that. Everyone but her at least.

Jack snorted “Well, that’s stupid.” He said, looking up at Alex “Everyone in the right mind knows that the silent treatment never works anymore.”

“Last time I checked it still works on you when your mom does it.” Adrian reminded as he continued laying out beats to Alex’s new lyrics.

“But when other people do it? Does it affect me? No.”

“Whatever,” Adrian said “I have no time to bicker with you.” He said as he went back to focusing on the new songs, Jack grinned triumphantly. Alex sighed and once again asked himself why he was even best friends with someone like Jack. But it was a question he never really knew the answer to.

“Hey guys, check it out.” Alex looked up and saw Dylan entering the room with a pair of nerdy glasses, Alex smirked “Nice glasses, D.” he complimented, Dylan grinned and grabbed a seat next to Jack who snorted

“And what exactly are those?” Jack asked, Dylan rolled his eyes

“Someone’s jealous.” He taunted which made Jack narrow his eyes at his friend “They’re nerdy glasses. It goes with my image being the smart one.”

“Yeah, I think we should change that to ‘The Big Headed one’.”

“Nah, the smart one is pretty accurate.” Dylan said with a yawn as he leaned back on his chair, making it stand on two legs instead of four. “So, what’s up with our new assistant? Haven’t heard her talk a word yet, is she still upset?

“She’s giving us the silent treatment.” Alex explained as he opened the fridge and scanned for something to eat. And just like Jack, Dylan started saying stuff about how the Silent Treatment was stupid because it never really works. Alex smirked; they were pretty much alike in thinking in more ways than they thought. Their bickering usually wasn’t serious; none of them ever took it seriously. They looked at each other as brothers.

                Jack and Dylan continued blabbing about the silent treatment; Alex just nodded here and there as they did. It was one of their rules. Always listen to each other, if you don’t want to at least look like you’re paying attention. Adrian did the same as he fixed up the song; he always took their music seriously. It was why Jack sometimes called him ‘Daddy Gravity’ a thing Adrian hated.

                Alex scanned his shelf in the fridge (each of them had their own shelves, a thing Jackie had put in to prevent arguments) but saw that none of this chocolate was there. Jack must’ve eaten it, he thought to himself. Normally, he would have screamed at his friend and cursed already but he didn’t. He was too hungry to seek revenge. I’ll kill him later, he thought. I can’t murder with an empty stomach.

                He continued checking the other places where he knew his friends stashed sweets, but to his dismay there weren’t any ones hidden there either. Alex sighed. The only snack left he could rely on was the leftover pizza he had last night which was on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Alex crouched down and cursed. His pizza was gone.

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