Chapter Seventeen

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                Chapter Seventeen

                “Step one: Twitter.” Ben said as he took a seat across Emily and Alex at the penthouse’s living room. Alex gave him an incredulous look. Twitter? That didn’t make sense at all. Emily must’ve had the same look because when Ben looked at them he sighed.

                “Take out your phones.” He instructed, both of them did as they were told. “It has been exactly a week since the incident. Now, Emily tweet Alex about how excited you are about you two going out later.” Alex face palmed just as he felt his face start to flush. From the corner of his eye, he saw Emily give Ben a bewildered look.

                “Who said we were going out later?” she said with her arms crossed. Alex nodded in agreement, despite the fact that he really liked the idea. “Yeah.” He even said which made Ben rolled his eyes.

                “Well, you two are supposed to look like a couple right?” he said exasperatedly just as Jackie entered the room and sat next to the publicist “And that is what couples do. Now, start tweeting.”

                “Fine.” They both grumbled in unison. Alex used his Twitter daily but he only found it fun when he posted funny pictures of his friends, a thing Ben didn’t really like so he couldn’t do it all the time.

                “Oh look, my followers just went from a hundred to a thousand.” Emily said in an unsurprised tone. Alex just watched her as she started typing. “Done.” She said in what seemed to be two seconds, Alex stared at her smug face for a moment, contemplating as to how she typed that fast, he looked down at his phone with his brows scrunched up in confusion as he checked for his mentions.

                It was a bit hard finding Emily’s tweet but he eventually did

                @AgainstAlexN can’t wait to see you later ;) xoxo

                “You sound like Gossip Girl.” Alex commented

                “Hmmm, I wonder why you know how Gossip Girl sounds like.” Emily said with a smirk “You watch it don’t you?” Alex narrowed his eyes at her, Emily just laughed “Don’t worry I do to.” She said as she patted him on the arm “I’ll tweet that later ‘Watching Gossip girl with my awesome boyfriend.’”

                Alex just rolled his eyes “Whatever.” He said as he started typing out a reply. He was trying his best not to smile, he never knew the day would come Emily Summers would actually call him her boyfriend. Yeah, but don’t forget it’s all just fake his conscience chided. The thought made him sad, but he just decided to look at the positive side of things.

                At least I’ll get to spend more time with her right? He said to himself

                “I've sent the reply,” Alex said to Ben who was sipping on some tea with Jackie “What now?” Ben grinned as he set his cup and saucer back onto the coffee table

                “It’s time for your first date then.”

*                                                              *                                                              *

“No, I think it goes like this.”

“Nah, it goes like this.”

“No, I really think it goes like – Gah, never mind you fix it.” Alex said in annoyance as he let go of Emily’s hand. They were currently contemplating as to how they should hold each other’s hand. “You’re the one who dated the jocks at high school, you should know this.” Emily rolled her eyes.

“Yes, but all of them did nothing but try to feel me up.” She retaliated “None of them were actually decent enough to just settle with holding my hand.” She added quietly, her voice trailing off. Alex stared at her for a moment; he took the opportunity since she was staring off blankly into space.

He felt his free hand automatically ran itself through his hair; he always did that when he was nervous. With a sigh, he took her hand again, opened it gently and laced his fingers in between the spaces of hers. Alex stared at it for a moment, his felt his heart going a thousand miles per hour. He cleared his throat, “Yeah, I think it’s like this.” He said, trying to sound casual as always.

“Hmmm, yeah it looks better like that.” Emily said as she stared at their hands, she looked up at him “I’m sorry if I’m being hard. It’s just –“

“Nah, it’s cool. I understand.” Alex said with a shrug, he looked over Emily’s shoulder and saw Jack, Dylan and Adrian with their heads sticking out of their room, obviously watching. Once they saw Alex looking at them, they started waving their hands and mouthing things.

Alex was going to try and understand what they were saying but that was when Ben came and Jackie came into the scene “Are you two ready yet?” Jackie asked, both of them nodded “Yep.” They said in unison,

“Well, get going then.” Ben said with a grin “Text us if you need anything.” Alex shared a quick look with Jackie who gave him a smile, “Have fun.” She said just as his friends walked over behind her. They each gave him a thumbs up, grins plastered on each of their faces.

Alex gave them a smile “I guess we’ll see you later then.” And at that the two of them left the penthouse with Alex’s usual ‘indigestion’ getting worse each step.


Short chapter I know, I just felt like the past ones were too long, lame excuse I know haha. Anyways, if you look over to your right there is a slideshow of Alex haha. I can't choose over Logan Lerman and Freddie Highmore so I am letting you people be the judge. I have a cast in mind for the others too, btw. They'll be shown on the next chapter.:) I still have no one for Jack though. Any suggestions?

Love always,

Charlie ∞

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