Chapter Twenty four

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Chapter Twenty four

                New York was full of Thanksgiving spirit. Everywhere you looked, left to right, north to south; stores were filled with loads of people shopping for the upcoming event. The train station wouldn’t be any different, Alex hypothesized. People were most likely coming home that day to take advantage of the holiday and spend it with their loved ones.

                Alex’s knuckles turned white as he made a turn, his grip on the steering wheel was quite tighter than usual. “Relax, Alex.” Emily said as she held onto his free hand “It’s just your sister.”

                “Yeah man, just chill” Adrian said in agreement from the backseat.  Ever since he had heard about the news about his sister’s arrival he had been making all sorts of theories and conclusions about why she was coming. Alex personally wanted to give her a call and ask her the very day Jack told him she was coming but his schedule pretty much forbade him to.

                “How do you expect me to relax?” Alex grumbled “We are talking about my little sister here.” Jack and the others snickered; Alex inwardly rolled his eyes to himself. He knew his friends knew what he meant. They were his best friends after all. They had known him his whole life, including his family. His friends would have to get amnesia or a hemorrhage of some sort to forget what Aria Night was like.

                “So what? It’s not like she’s a killer or something.” Emily said with a snort, letting go of his hand.

                “Yes, but she’s Aria Night.” Dylan called; Jack snickered and gave him a high five.

                “Exactly.” Alex said “Thank you, Dylan.”

                Emily rolled her eyes “Like I said… So what? I don’t see the big deal as to why you see your sister as some sort of ticking time bomb.”

                “It’s because she is one.” Alex said with a sigh “We are talking about a girl who once stabbed one of her classmates in the eye when she was at the first grade.” He looked at Emily and gave her a very serious look “First grade, Em. She stabbed someone in the eye. With a pencil. In the first grade. I repeat, in the first grade.”

                From the back, Alex saw Adrian raise his hand. “In Aria’s defense, I recall her saying that she only gently prodded his eyeball because he was, and I quote, ‘A disturbing creep who kept poking me with a pencil’.” He stated. Dylan nodded in agreement.

                “I also remember her saying that she only did that because, like Adrian said, he kept poking her with a pencil so she grabbed his pencil and gently prodded him in the eye.”

                “Okay first of all, she stabbed his eye.” Alex said in annoyance, loudly over his friends’ words “How the hell could you even ‘gently prod’ someone’s eye? Second of all, stop making her sound all innocent because she’s not. I have a feeling she’s in the middle of a crisis or something that’s why she wants to see me.” He added as he parked the car and put it into a halt.

                “Okay, let’s say she is in trouble. What makes you think she’ll ask you for help?” Emily asked as they got out of the car. Alex pulled his hood over his head and walked over next to her with the boys trailing behind him.

                “Maybe because I’m her brother and she doesn’t know anyone else who is willing to partake in her insanity?” Alex guessed “I don’t know but I’ll find out soon.”

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