Chapter Twenty one

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Chapter Twenty one

“This costume is itchy.” Jack whined as he restrained himself from scratching every part of his torso. Emily who was watching him as she was getting her hair done couldn’t help but laugh at his pain. It wasn’t everyday that you got the chance to see Jack wearing eyeliner and looking downright stupid in a pirate costume.

“I told you the pirate suit would be uncomfortable.” Alex said with a yawn as he buttoned up his stripped vest. Emily had to admit, the costume designers and makeup artists were fantastic. Everything about their costumes and makeup was just perfect. She watched with great interest as Charlize painted the fake stitches on her wrists.

Charlize was a slender woman, with long blonde hair. She was one of those girls you would think were some kind of model and at the same time, a snob which was partly true. She was the lead of the makeup team, the expert for short.

“I am so winning best costume this year.” Dylan said airily as he strutted towards the mirror. He had his hair dyed black and some streaks of gray just for the occasion and he even made the makeup artists add those fake bolts by his neck. He pretty much deserved at least a prize for effort.

“No you aren’t. I am.” Jack countered as he put on his pirate hat.

“Oh please Jack, you look like a gay pirate.”

“I do not!”

“Dude, you’re wearing eyeliner.”

“This is why I went as Jason.” Adrian said loudly as he entered the room already in his costume complete and ready to go, “All I have to do is wear a jacket, jeans, and a mask and get a chainsaw. That and it doesn’t take much time to get ready.” Emily rolled her eyes at them, she never knew boys bickered that much. It eerily reminded her of her friends.

“Okay, all done.” Charlize announced as she dabbed the final touch on Emily’s arms. Emily got up and Charlize stared at her from head to toe and then beamed, showing off her perfect set of teeth. “This is definitely my best one yet.” Hearing Charlize say that made Emily grin too; Charlize is bound to have done loads of makeup for Halloween, and she claims this was her best. That’s definitely something, Emily thought to herself.

“Not bad, Charlize.” Adrian commented, his voice was a bit muffled because of his mask but Emily heard him loud and clear. Dylan and Jack who had finally stopped bickering took a good luck themselves.

“Nice work, C.” Jack said with a smirk

“I must say, I have to agree with you. This is definitely your best one.” Dylan said as he circled around Emily, practically analyzing every aspect of her which made her feel a bit uncomfortable. “Now, may I just ask one thing?”

“What is it, Dylan?” Charlize asked as she fixed Emily’s hair a bit more.

“Why is it that I feel that you didn’t put much effort into my makeup as much as you did with Emily? I am offended.”  Charlize rolled her eyes at Dylan and put a hand on her hip as she analyzed Emily once more. “You are such a diva, Dylan.” She told him.

“Yeah, it sometimes makes me wonder if you’re gay.” Jack snickered

“Last time I checked, you’re the one who’s wearing eyeliner.” Dylan shot “Not me.”

Their bickering commenced once more, but Emily just drowned them out and stood still so Charlize could add some more finishing touches. “I wanna see.” She said excitedly as the stylist gave her hair one last comb. Alex comically offered his arm with a lopsided grin which just looked odd because his face had those fake stitches just like Jack Skellington. With a small laugh, Emily did take his arm and together they walked towards the mirror.

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